Chapter 17: The Cave of Wonders

Start from the beginning

"... Anyway, she's a princess and I'm... Aw, she could never fall for a guy like me." A princess? Wait a minute...

"You mean princess Jasmine?" he dreamily nodded.

"Oh, that's right! She's in trouble, Aladdin!" Sora told him.

"What? Well, c'mon, let's go!" he said with determination. We hopped on carpet and flew to Agrabah.

"Ah, fresh air! The great outdoors!" Genie said.

"You don't get out much, do you Genie?" I asked.

"Comes with the job. Phenomenal comic powers. Itty-bitty living space. It's always three wishes, then back to my portable prison. I'm lucky to see the light of day every century or two..." Genie said, woefully.

"Say Genie, what if I use my last wish to free you from the lamp?" Aladdin asked. Genie's face lit up.

"You'd do that?" Genie asked.

"Genie it's a promise. After we help Jasmine." Aladdin said.

Soon as we got back, we hurried through the city to find her. We did but he was with Jasmine.

"Setting your sights a little high, aren't you boy? Back to your hole, street rat. I will not allow you to trouble the princess anymore." Jafar said.

"Jasmine!" he cried.

"I'm so sorry, Aladdin." she said and looked to the ground.

"Genie, help Jasmine, please!" he begged.

"One wish left! You're making this really easy, you know." Genie said picking up her.

"So sorry, boy! I'm afraid your second wish has been denied." Jafar said. A red parrot flew up to him with the lamp.

"I'm sorry, Al." Genie dropped Jasmine in a vase and disappeared. The vase turned out to be a heartless and began to walk away with her. We fought the heartless Jafar had summoned while trying to get to her, but they disappeared into the desert.

"They might have went to the Cave of Wonders. Genie said to me that the keyhole was there," I said and we hurried there. Damn, no wonder no one went in this death trap. Booby-traps were everywhere. I managed to get ahead of everyone and came to a chamber. I saw Jafar talking to Maleficent.

"That boy and girl again?" she asked, annoyed.

"They're more persistent than I thought, especially that girl. You were right about her being the daughter of Anzu." I widened my eyes as they continued talking, "Why not explain the situation with that boy Riku?" I silently gasped: Yen Sid was right. Riku was being lead astray by her. "Doing so can actually prove useful to our-"

Jafar was cut off by the appearance of Sora and the others soon joining me in the chamber.

"Maleficent! Where's Riku? I know you know!" I summoned Rainfell and pointed it at her. She smirked and vanished. "NO! GET BACK HERE, YOU WITCH!"

"Jafar, let Jasmine go!" Aladdin said.

"Not a chance. You see, she's a princess- one of the seven who somehow hold the key to opening the door." he said. He was talking about the princesses of heart!

"Open..." Goofy began.

"The door?" Donald finished.

"But you fools won't live to see what lies beyond it!" Jafar said.

"Wanna bet?" I said, more than asking.

He smirked at me, "Genie, my second wish! Bring me the Princess of Memory at any cost!" I gasped at this; he knew what I was.

I looked at Sora and he was glaring at him. He jumped in front of me with the keyblade in his hands, "You're not having her!"

Then I had an Idea to get the lamp back. I dismissed my keyblade and walked past Sora.

"S-sis?" I looked back at him.

"Trust me!" I mouthed to him and he gulped but nodded. I turned back to Jafar.

Jafar grinned, "Smart girl! Genie, bring her to me."

I let him pick me up and he whispered, "Princess, what are you doing?"

"That's Piri to you!" I whispered back, "... and trust me!"

He set me down and Jafar smirked, "Now, don't you want to see your Riku? Or even... her?" I raised an eyebrow. "You know, one of your beloved cousins?"

I gasped, "Light... they have Lightning?"

"Yes, we do. But she's never to awake-"

"SHUT UP!" I lunged forward at the lamp. He grabbed my wrist, stopping me.

"PIRI!" I heard the guys running toward us. I shot them a glare.

"Stay away!" they stopped and worriedly looked at me. I smirked, "Watch this!" with my free hand, I brought back the eight orbs of light from the realum of darkness and nailed him with it. He screeched and let me go. I did a back flip and used my light slash to get away, back to Sora. "HA! Looks like I win, loser!" I put my finger and thumb in a shape of an 'L' and put it on my forehead, sticking my tongue out.

"What was that?" Sora asked me about the move I just used.

"Which one? The 'Light Slash' or the 'Last Resort'?"

"Either one of them!" he smiled.

"Well, you seen me use the Light Slash more than once, so I'll tell you about the Last Resort." I smiled at his curiosity, "The move consists of eight balls of light that is very handy for dark creatures. My ancestors made that move, which Light taught me."

"Light?" Sora tilted his head.

"It's a nickname I use for Lightning."

"Genie, my final wish! Make me into an all powerful genie!" Jafar proclaimed. Genie covered his eyes and shot a small magical beam at Jafar. He floated through the floor and caused it to open wide.

"Pi, stay here with Jasmine." Sora said.

"What? Why?"

"He's after you and your power! I promised I wouldn't let anything bad happened to you, sis, for Riku... and... well, you are the princess after all!"

You are the princess after all...

With that, they went to fight him. I sighed; I knew it was only a matter of time before this could happen. Master Yen Sid warned me, anyways. This princess thing was in the way of me protecting my little brother, even... I wondered why mom chose me instead of Aqua.

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