| Chapter 3 || We're Going to Need Sherlock Holmes for This One |

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Chapter Three

We're Going to Need Sherlock Holmes for This One

*First Person Point of View ~ Apollo*

Where was she? Where could Lysandra possibly have gone and why wasn't she back yet?

I wondered this to myself as I walked around Olympus, my eyes keeping a sharp watch out for the wayward guardian.

I approached Aphrodite, who was sitting by the broken fountain, her own guardian tending to her sore feet. "Aphrodite?" I asked, catching her attention.

"Yes, dear?" she acknowledged.

"Have either of you seen my guardian? Lysandra?"

Aphrodite furrowed her eyebrows, thinking.

"Blonde hair, grey eyes? Like most children of Athena, but better?" I asked, describing her. Of course, she was better than any other woman I'd ever seen. She was so beautiful. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if my charm has worked. She's never been interested in me that way.

When Aphrodite shook her head, I sighed. "Don't worry, Apollo," she said, reaching over to pat my arm, "She'll turn up. Then you can be lovey-dovey around her again."

With that, I left. Never before had I felt embarrassed about trying to woo a lady, but the way Aphrodite talked about Lysandra... Something about it made my face redden until I was a walking tomato.

"Hey, man," I called out as I saw Hermes. "Have you seen Lysandra around? She seems to be hiding somewhere. I can't find her."

Hermes turned away from Zeus, whom he'd been deep in a conversation with. Hmm. Must've been important, because Hermes looked startled by my voice behind him.

"Um... no. Sorry," Hermes replied. He then tilted his head, as if mulling over my question once more. "Yeah," he finally decided, "No, I haven't seen her."

I turned to my father. Normally, I wouldn't have asked him such an important question - what with the decision he'd made in the past, but he was feeling pretty desperate.

"What about you, father? Have you seen my guardian?"

He shook his head. "No, I haven't. I'm terribly sorry, son, but I'm sure that when you need her most, she'll be there." at that comment, he met eyes with Hermes, and they seemed to share a thought.

I thought nothing of it. "Okay," I said, my mood sinking. "Thanks."

Leaving the two of them to talk, I went over to a group of nymphs, hoping that they had seen something.

*Third Person Point of View*

After Apollo left, Hermes and Zeus were left in confusion. After mulling things over a little more, Hermes turned to his father.

"So my guardian nearly misses an arrow, and Apollo's has disappeared. Something is wrong, for sure."

Zeus reached up to scratch at his beard. It was such a cliché thinking pose that Hermes doubted he was even thinking at all. It seemed as if he was only doing it to look cool as he answered, "Something is definitely wrong. We know that for sure, but what the question is: what?" he said. "What force could be strong enough to unbalance our guardians in such a way? They were trained by the Great One himself, sent to us as gifts and he would not allow them to become like this. If we had any way to contact him now, it would make things easier, but after our deal, he disappeared, never to be seen by anyone but the guardians themselves, since."

The Unknown DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora