"Come over to mine after Six, I should be finished here" Amelia said keeping her voice low

"I'm meeting Scott after here in the SU bar for a couple of drinks so I should be finished by then" Liv replied.

"Good..I did some online shopping at the weekend and I bought some items I think you would really enjoy" Amelia said with a smirk as Liv could feel her cheeks flush as she gulped.

"What is it" Liv almost stuttered causing Amelia to laugh. The dark haired woman began stepping back towards the door way to the lab.

"You'll find out tonight..take as long as you need" Amelia said as Liv nodded and watched her lecturer make her way back into the lab. The brunette quickly turned and made her way to the toilet. She knew for a fact her knickers were already wet from the thought of what Amelia had bought at the weekend.


Olivia had managed to sneak passed Emily who was busy teaching half of the class and made her way back to Amelia's group. The lab lasted a couple of hours and Liv had managed to keep her distance from the corpse while getting to learn more about the structure of the spinal cord and parts of the skull and brain.

The brunette was pleased she didn't vomit and that a certain red head hadn't noticed her during the class. As she packed up her stuff she had agreed to meet Scott at the SU bar before going to Amelia's later tonight.

"Hey stranger" Emily smiled as she appeared beside the brunette who jumped back with the fright. She could feel her heart race as she looked over at Amelia who was talking to another student.

"Hey" Liv replied as she smiled weakly placing her bag over her shoulder.

"I didn't know you were taking Anatomy" Emily said as her body was pressed against the table as she looked Liv up and down like she was a piece of meat.

"Yeh" Liv replied awkwardly

"Then again we didn't do much talking that night" Emily replied as she leaned forward whispering into Liv's ear as the brunette gulped.

"Emily" Amelia's voice called from the top of the room as Liv flinched and stepped back. She glanced over at Amelia who raised an eye brow at her as she stood waiting for the red head at the top of the class.

"Duty calls..maybe I'll see you around now that I know what class you take" Emily said as she winked at the brunette and quickly made her way to the top of the class.

Liv groaned as she swallowed the lump of nerve in her throat. Why her of all people..why did Amelia's final year student  have to be the girl she fucked in the bathroom and she regretted everyday since.

Emily seemed like a nice girl..full on but nice. Liv just wasn't interested and she needed to make sure Emily knew that before Amelia started questioning why her other student was snooping around her.

Then again Amelia had her rules and never specified anything about Liv sleeping with others. Not that Liv had any interest in sleeping with the red head again but Amelia would have no right to know about it.

She sighed as she turned around and made her way to the door. Taking a glance at the top of the room she noticed Amelia taking to a group of students including Emily. Amelia continued to talk as her eyes locked with Liv's causing the brunette to shiver.

The brunette groaned as she left the lab and texted Scott to tell him she was on her way. She was in desperate need of a drink..


"Was it a man or a woman" Scott asked as her drank his fourth beer. Liv had just polished off a bottle of white wine and was finishing her first glass of her second bottle. She gave her friend a weird look..

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now