Part 5

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I woke up to a loud scream. I looked quickly to Tyler. He sat up in a panic, hyperventilating and crying.

"Babe! What's wrong!?"

"Who are you people!?" He cried. He had a problem with memory loss in the past. But it had only been a few minutes of lost memory. But he didn't recognize us. It's been years since he met us.

"Tyler calm down!"

"Wha- how do you know my name?"

I started crying. I could've never imagined. Everybody just stared, fearfully and confused.

"Please. Calm down." I whispered. He stared at me, as I felt my body go numb.

"Stay away. You're fucking crazy." He breathed.

We were all crying now. Why did this happen? So suddenly too.

"Try to remember me Tyler! Please!" I screamed, starting to break down.

"Remember what?"

"Me. Everything. Us."

I had never seen Damien cry, but even him at this point.

He glanced around. "Who do you recognize?"

"I... JJ, and D-damien."

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"I was with my parents. And they were fighting, then he hit her and I started crying until I passed out."

Years. So many years. Thats, 8 years ago. "Wait. I recognize you. But. I don't know your name. All of you."

We had met him 2 years after all of that. "Who... do you think loves you the most?"

He blinked a little, obviously remembering something. "You." He started to calm down a little more. "We, kissed. We were separating for a while. But that's all I remeber. Nothing before or after that.

"Good. We're getting somewhere. Why don't you remember?"

"I have Alzheimer desease. It doesn't effect many younger people." He whispered, looking around.

He had a lot of different disorders. He was basically recovered from it though. It rarely ever happened anymore. But I knew It'd get worse as he got older.

"Do you remember anything else?"


I got out my phone and got some pictures of our friends. I scrolled through them, and one by one helped him regain his memory with them.

There wasn't much more I could do. I tried as hard as I could. He remembered everything, every little moment he could explain.

But he didn't remember me.

"Please try to remember." I cried. I had told him everything that we'd done together, and he still didn't remember anything but the kiss.

"I can't. I'm sorry. I want to. But I can't." Everybody just watched. We had all told him so much. But nothing was working.

I felt my whole life crashing down slowly. Everything seemed to be getting darker. I felt the urge to just gouge my fucking eyes out and tear off all my skin.

I wanted to die. So badly. He was my world. "I know what might help." He whispered. I looked up at him. He made eye contact. He placed his hand on my jaw and pulled me onto a short, gentle kiss.

The second he pulled away he smiled. "Darin." He whispered.

Tyler's POV

I knew the soft feeling of his lips on mine and the fluttering feeling I felt in my heart. His eyes lit up. I remembered. But, there were things I still didn't.

But I was calm now. Everybody was crying. I remember the day we all met. The first time I cut myself, so deep that I could barely feel my arms. The time I left with my dad. The first time we kissed. And every other little highlight of loving him.

Tears welded my eyes shut for a moment. I hated everything about my disorders. Everytime something would happen with me, it would hurt him more.

"Listen, can I just... go home?" I whispered.

"Whatever you want. When we-" He said shakily, hugging.

"MY home. Back with my mom. I just wanna be alone."

"Okay." He whispered. I slightly opened my eyes.

A few hours later.

I had told Darin to follow me inside for a few minutes. The second I closed the door I turned to him.

"Darin. Will you understand the decision I am making?"

"Yeah. Always."

"I really love you but, I don't think we should be together."


"I just keep hurting you again and again. I don't want you to worry anymore."

"Tyler please, don't do this. I need you. You're my everything." He said shakily, tears starting to build in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Darin." I said, tears starting to fall from both our cheeks.

He busted into tears and ran back to the car. I slammed the door. I threw myself against the wall, sobbing loudly.

No matter how hard it was it needed to happen. I loved him more than the world. But I couldn't keep hurting him like that.

I still couldn't remember a lot of things. But everything about him was fresh in my mind.

I loved the way he always protected me and comforted me. I loved all of it. Everything about him made me smile. But not now.

I ran up to my room. I threw myself down on my bed. I scratched the side of my face with my finger nails, making it bleed.

I grabbed the razor blade from my bedside table. I breathed deeply a few times before cutting longs deep gashes into my arm.

The pain was excruciating, but I didn't care. I stood up and looked in my mirror at myself. I cried harder as I stared, becoming almost unable to breath. I looked back up at myself, feeling a wave of anger rush over me at the sight of my own face. I punched the mirror, shattering it and watching as the glass flew. I looked to my now bloody fist.

I had school tommorow, but I didn't want to see Darin. I had to though. I turned the a/c on. I wanted to wake up freezing the next day.

Hopefully it'd get me sick so I wouldn't have to go. I wasn't tired yet though. I knew my mom wasn't home, and she wouldn't be for a few more days.

Darin's POV

I stared at the shattered glass across my room as I pulled small shards from my wrists. Deep cuts dripped blood onto my floor, but I didn't care.

I had burns from the cigarettes all over my wrist. I heard Mayhem barking downstairs. I started crying even more, Mayhem just reminded me of Tyler even more.

"Shut up!" I screamed.

He silenced. I was exausted now. But my body was telling me otherwise. I looked at Tyler's clothes spread across the floor. Every single thing he'd left behind...

I grabbed one of his shirts, hugging it to my chest. The sweet firmiliar smell of his cologne comforted me.

"Please. Come back."

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