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I silently watch Kia catch up to Alex and fall into step with him. She understood the silent agreement between us and is distracting Alex and leaving Katie and me alone. Although Kia and I have a mutual discomfort for each other, we both want this weekend long date to end as soon as possible.

I don't know how to start the conversation, or if i should, but I speak first, "I--uh--I had no idea you could sing." Way to stutter, Trav, I scold to myself.
She looks at me through the rear view mirror, eyeing me, "I was just playing around with Kia."
I smile at that, her modesty, and her eyes warm up. "Its good to see you smile."
"I had no idea that you and Kia were a potential thing." She stresses the last word, and I see what she's implying. There's something in her eyes...something I can't make out.....
"Oh, see, I wouldn't call it a thing."
"Oh?" Katie raises an eyebrow at this, "Why not?"
"Well, its more complected than that." I lift a shoulder almost sheepishly, then toss the question back at her, "Would you say you and Alex have a 'potential thing'?"
"Touché." That doesn't answer my question, I think, but I'm almost too afraid to ask her to clarify in case the answer is something I wish I could un-hear. 
We sit in silence for a couple beats before I speak again. "I don't know if this is what you want to hear right now, considering we're on a date with another person for the weekend, but... I spoke to Mae."
She doesn't respond for a second and I think she's ignoring me but when I look in the mirror again her eyes are on me, listening. 
"I confessed to her and she actually connected the dots by then. She understood where you were coming from, though. Katie I put you in a really bad spot, making you the girl I was cheating with. And it was a really bad move on my part for me not thinking. I didn't want any of this to happen to you, I never wanted you to get hurt. I swear on the River Styx, I never wanted you to go through all this pain...I mean I even--" I cut myself off. I'm rambling now, and she can tell.  But I have to keep going. "I tossed you an apple the day we left for Camp Jupiter. I wasn't purposing though, I was trying to say that I...I..." Why is it so hard for me to get these three words out? 
"You love me." Katie says. And suddenly it become a lot more easier to admit, even though I knew I have loved her for so long.
"Katie Gardner, I love you." I say. "I know this is a bad time, and I don't expect you to say it back, I understand if you don't feel the same, but I love you. I never wanted to hurt you."
"Travis..." She starts, "I--" 
She gets cut off my the passenger side door opens and Alex pokes his head into the car. I push down the urge to frown, push his face out of the car, slam the door shut, lock the doors, and let Katie finish her sentence. 

"They got a room for us. The room will be ready at 4 o'clock." He says, "We just need to pay now."
Katie and I step out of the car. "Whats the price?" She asks.
"Oh my schist."
"Luckily Kia's aunt got her a discount so its only $200 now."
"How'd she do that?" I ask.
"Her aunt works the front desk. She skimmed some of the price off, so its $10 we each get to save."
Katie nods at his words and we go inside to pay. Kia smiles and waves at us and shifts herself to reveal a woman that shares her straight brown hair and fit body. "This is my aunt, guys."
"Hi," Katie says politely.
"Hello, Welcome to the Hotel Del Sol." She smiles. "Your total rings up to $200." We each split it evenly and get our keys to the room. "See you guys later when your room is ready. It's nice to meet you guys. Kia tells me your friends from her summer camp."
"Yeah, we are." I nod.
"You kids sure wont get into trouble for ditching? I don't want her dad to get mad at me for knowing about her schemes and not saying anything." 
"Everything is under control," Kia winks at her aunt and her aunt gives her an affectionate ruffle of her hair. "See you later."
"See you, kids!" 
We leave and as I turn away from the desk I see Katie grab Kia's arm as she goes in to cup her hands around her ear and whispers something to her. Katie's eyes stay on mine for a second before she looks away and whispers more.

1 . 21 . 18 

i hate finals.

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