¢нαρтєя 21

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PJM: I'll see you really soon, Jagiya~

 Y/N stared at her phone in disbelief. She had just woke up and thought it was all just a dream. That is before she read the message that Jimin sent her. 

 Her stomach was tied into knots as she carefully picked out an outfit. She did light makeup and left her hair down. She decided to put in her contacts instead of wearing her glasses.

 Y/N called a taxi driver, hesitantly. 'Will he think I'm weird? Am I too ugly to date an idol?' She repeated in her mind. As soon as she heard the taxi drive up, she entered the small car. Y/N rarely spoke to the man as she was really nervous. She stepped out of the small car that drove away quickly. She glanced at her watch to see that she was 2 minutes late, causing more stress on her. Y/N walked into the coffee shop slowly, scanning every person present, until she made eye contact with him. She froze.

 Jimin was waiting for a while as he was so excited. He didn't show it, but he was really nervous. He proceeded to take long breaths to calm him down. When the bell rang, signaling an entry of a new customer, he saw her. 'beautiful' He smiled to himself and made his way to the frozen girl.

 Y/N gulped as she noticed Jimin making his way towards her. She decided to attempt to look more comfortable, slumping her shoulders slightly. Y/N smiled nervously as Jimin came to a stop. "Hey" He smiled brightly at her.

 "H-Hey.." Y/N looked away. "Please don't be embarrassed! It's me, Jim! I haven't changed." He caressed her cheek. Y/N took a deep breathe before coming to realization. 'He's right. He's Jim, the person I fell for.' She thought, before smiling comfortably. "You're right, Jim. I'm so happy to meet you!" She spoke softly. Jimin's smile grew wider before he hugged her tightly. "I'm so happy to see you in person, Jagi! Let's get going! I have so much planned for us to do!" He pulled away as he screeched in joy. Jimin grabbed Y/N's hand and ran out of the store.

 He immediately covered his face with a mask. Jimin gave her a black mask as well. "Put it on. A lot of people are here." She did as he said. Jimin sped up before stopping in front of an amusement park. Y/N stared in amazement as Jimin took in her features. "Even prettier than the pictures." He pulled her closer to him. "Let's go!" Y/N yelled before pulling him to the entrance.

 "You're such a lovely couple!" An elderly woman tapped Jimin's shoulder. They had been to almost every ride and eaten almost everything that came into their sight. Jimin smiled and thanked the woman. "I'm so tired!" Y/N rang out before snuggling into Jimin's side while they walked to the exit. "Don't get too tired! We still have things to do!" Jimin smiled before running with their hands held together. He pulled her all the way to a park. "It's.. beautiful!" Y/N screeched before pulling away from Jimin. She ran to the small pond and pulled out her camera. "The sunset makes this even better!" She screamed. Jimin just walked behind her. Them both looking like a small child, excited about the nature, and a satisfied mother who followed her child around. 

 Y/N took picture after picture until the sun went down. "I knew you'd love this, Jagiya~" Jimin stood behind Y/N as she stood in front of the pond, staring at the nature. Y/N just hummed in response. Jimin moved beside her before turning to completely face Y/N. He stared at her amazed expression before chuckling quietly. Y/N was too focused on the scenery to notice Jimin's position. Suddenly, Jimin spun her around and grabbed her waist, pulling her body to his. "I love you." He whispered and showed his famous eye smile. Y/N was astonished but soon smiled back. She leaned her head onto his chest. "I love you too, Jagi." She said, softly. 

 Jimin stared at her, causing her to look up and tilt her head. "What?" She said, still smiling. Jimin slowly leaned in and kissed her softly. Y/N kissed back. The soft kiss lasted for 20 seconds before they both pulled away. Jimin kissed her forehead before turning to look at the water, pulling her body closer. "Let's go eat now." Jimin said. Y/N nodded.

 "Your food is ready, sir and miss." The server bowed before placing the food onto the table. Both Jimin and Y/N immediately taking interest in the food. The food was gone as quick as a flash. The couple had already payed and were exiting the restaurant.  

 They walked down the paved sidewalk, holding hands and staying close to each other. "I really enjoyed today." Y/N snuggled closer to Jimin. "I did too, Jagi." Jimin smiled. They had reached Y/N's hotel and were both feeling a little sad that the day was ending. 

 The two had just entered the small hotel room. "Y/N." Jimin spoke sternly. "Hm?" Y/N looked at him, concerned. "If we don't see each other again... just take this.." Jimin kissed her passionately. This time, the kiss lasted longer. Jimin pulled away and looked for something in his bag. He pulled out a picture that they had taken together at the park. "At the restaurant, I had told you that I was going to the toilet but instead, I went to get the picture developed. I want this to always be with you." Jimin sighed before reaching into his bag again. This time, he pulled out a black box. He gingerly opened the box, revealing a silver necklace. He held the piece of jewelry in his hands with care. Jimin showed Y/N what it had said on the heart shaped locket. 'Jim + Y/N' It read. She smiled before turning around and picking up her hair, allowing him to place the necklace around her neck.

 She turned to him and began to cry. Jimin hugged her tightly. "Don't leave me, Jimin!' She screamed into his chest. "Shhh... shh.. We'll get through this." He pulled away to look at her in the eyes. "Just wait for me." He caressed her cheeks, them both recalling the last time he told her that. 

 Y/N layed in her bed and smiled. She held the necklace in her fingertips before grabbing her phone and opening the messaging app. 

Y/N: I love you so much, Jimin!

 This user has disconnected from this app! Please try to message them when they reconnect!

Y/N: Huh? Wait, what?!

 This user has disconnected from this app! Please try to message them when they reconnect!

 Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes. 'What happened?!' She thought.

Jimin had just returned to the dorms, happy. "Where were you?" Jimin turned to see Bang PD Nim. He swallowed hard before thinking of an excuse. "I went to run errands.." Jimin avoided eye contact. "At this hour!" Bang PD Nim raised his voice. "I know what has been going on and I demand you to give me your phone! I will disconnect you from that app and forbid you to speak to that girl! Unless, you want me to end your idol career?" He sighed. Jimin thought hard before making his choice.

 Will they ever meet again? Will they ever speak again? Will they forget each other?


1,238 Words


I'm gonna end this here. I'm a fan of cliffhangers lmao I hope you liked this cliche af book! -Lei

Just Another Fan Account  • p.jm ffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora