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"Why do you even still attend this school?!" One of Y/N's classmates, Laura, yelled at her. Y/N just continued to sit there, staring at the floor. "At least answer Laura!" One of Laura's 'minions', yelled at Y/N from the side. "If you won't answer, I'll be forced to teach you a lesson!" Laura yelled at the top of her lungs. Y/N just sighed, not at all surprised with the situation. Laura and her two 'minions' began to kick Y/N in the stomach, causing her to groan in pain. She was used to this pain. Those girls did this at least 2 times everyday now. Even on weekends, they somehow find some way to ruin her day.

The bell rang, saving Y/N from the situation. Laura and her friends quickly ran to their classes, leaving Y/N there, bruised.

"Y/N!" A female voice was heard. Y/N jumped up, trying to hide the fact that she was hurt. Students began to fill the hallways as they try to get to their next classes. Fortunately for Y/N, she had lunch at this time. "Y/N!' That voice was heard again. Y/N turned around to see her best friend, Sana, who was Korean-American.

Sana was the reason why Y/N was such a fan of kpop. She had introduced Y/N to BTS, Y/N immediately taking interest in them.

"Y/N! Are you okay?! Was it Laura and those girls again!?" Sana bombarded Y/N with questions. "I'm fine, Sana." Y/N managed to speak out. "Ugh, Y/N! Just tell me what happened!" Sana began to get frustrated. "I will later..." Y/N half way smiled, sadly. "Let's go eat now." She began walking to the cafeteria, leaving Sana behind.

Sana quickly caught up to Y/N as they both walked to the cafeteria together.

Y/N had finished eating quicker than usual. She decided to look at her phone. The time was 12:30 PM. 'That means in Korea, where Jim lives, it's 5:30 AM." Y/N thought. She thought a long time before deciding to message Jim.

BTSIsMyLife: Hey, Jim!

PJM: Y/N? It's really early. Why are you awake?

BTSIsMyLife: It's only noon here in America.

PJM: Oh, I forgot the time zones. So, how are you today? :)

BTSIsMyLife: I'm well. Right now, I'm at school. It's lunch time, though.

PJM: You're still a student?

BTSIsMyLife: Yeah, I'm a senior. Hbu?

PJM: I'm in college.

BTSIsMyLife: Oh, is that so? I know this is a random question but, are you a female or male?

PJM: Yep and I'm a male, actually.

BTSIsMyLife: Oh! A fanboy! That's so cool!

PJM: I guess so..

At that moment, the bell rang. Y/N jumped up from her seat and told Sana to go to class without her for now.

BTSIsMyLife: :'( The school bell rang. I have to go to science class now, sadly.

PJM: Oh, okay. I'll message you later, Y/N! Listen in class and eat well until next time we talk! :)

BTSIsMyLife: Okay, mother! I will! Bye!

PJM: You're such a child, Y/N! Bye!

And with that, Y/N proceeded to her next class. Both Jimin and Y/N looked forward to their next conversation.


520 Words


Happy Taehyung Day! Hope you liked this chapter!


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