¢нαρтєя 4

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 BTSIsMyLife: Jim!


BTSIsMyLife: That guy friend of mine that I have a crush on...

PJM: What about him?

BTSIsMyLife: He asked me to go on a date with him!

PJM: Really? Why would he want to date you?


PJM: ; )

BTSIsMyLife: Jim!

PJM: Hm?

BTSIsMyLife: How am I supposed to act on the date?

PJM: Hm... 

PJM: Be comfortable around him. If he notices, he'll like the fact that you feel free to do what you want with him.

BTSIsMyLife: So, what would be an example of acting comfortable?

PJM: You should order lots of food and be as sloppy as you want.

BTSIsMyLife: Act like a slob?

PJM: Boys like to see girls act comfortable like that.

BTSIsMyLife: Okay.. I'll take you up on that... I'll message you when I get back home.

PJM: Okay! Good Luck, Y/N!

BTSIsMyLife: Bye, Jim! 

PJM: I hope you have fun, Y/N.. ; ) byee

BTSIsMyLife: Ew

  Y/N turned off her phone, smiling brightly. 

  "Why are you smiling at your phone so much?" Her date asked her while they rode to the resturaunt. "My friend was messaging me.." She giggled.

 Jimin was  laying back in his bed while smiling. "I feel bad for ruining her date but I just don't like the fact that she's going out with another guy.." He sighed to himself before falling asleep.


210 Words


It seems that these are getting shorter and shorter. Happy New Year! Lmao


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