Chapter 13: The Bad BOYfriend Is With Me

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Alexis Winter

Mason and I pulled up at my house and parked in the driveway. I can hear laughter and the sound of joy from outside. Mason shut the door to his car when he got out and locked the doors. "Is my mom still here?" I shrugged my shoulders when he asked me that question. Whatever. I walked up the driveway to the sidewalk and it got quiet. I didn't hear anything coming from inside the house. Mason was walking behind me, facing me when we stopped in front of my door. "I had a nice night with you." Mason said, breaking the ice on this cold evening.

"You weren't even with me the whole night." Did he forget he left me alone for a while?

"Shhh," Mason placed his finger to his lips, motioning me to be quiet. I heard footsteps walking around in the house. "Don't say that out loud. I think people are hearing us."

"So you want to stand here in silence?" I asked, wondering what he's going to say next.

"Or", he stepped closer to me and swoop my lips with a kiss. He's kissing me right in front of my house. After the kiss was broken, I turned the door knob and pushed it to opened it; Mason and I entered the house. We both saw our moms talking with a wine glass attached to their hands, laughing; enjoying their night.

"Hey, kids, how was the dance?" Mason's mom asked once she turned herself around from her chair to look at us.

"I'm guessing you're feeling better if I didn't hear back from you," my mom had to rub it in my face that she was right and I was wrong unfortunately. I look at my mom and then back at Mason. He mouthed to me, 'you were sick?' and I shook my head no.



"I asked how the dance was, honey." His mom repeated her question that she asked a couple of minutes ago.

"It was good." His mom and him are talking now.

"You okay, Alexis? You and Mason both seem out of it tonight." My mom started an interaction with me.

"Yeah. I guess I'm just tired." This time, I'm not lying. I kind of am tired. "I think I'm going to bed now."

"Wait, you don't want to tell me how the dance was?" My mom sounded shocked and confused at the same time but I peeled my heels off my feet, dangling them in my hand, and was walking up the stairs.

"Alexis, aren't you going to say something to Mason?" My mom parents and I was so close to climbing into my warm, cozy, soft, bed.

I turned around, walking close to the bottom of my staircase, and said, "Goodnight, Mason. I'll tutor you on Monday."

"And?" My mom continues with what I call, torture but she doesn't know that.

"Thank you for being my date." I added.

"You're welcome. Goodnight, Alexis. I'll text you later."

I can see the moms both giving each other looks because they're disoriented with our conversations that they are butting in.

"Okay." And without saying another word, I walked back up the stairs and got ready for bed.

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