Chapter 9: A Moment I Never Saw Coming

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Alexis Winter

I heard my mom screaming with joy when I heard cheering and laughing getting louder. I can hear it from my room which is upstairs. "Alexis!" My mom called me.

I came downstairs, slowly and carefully. I decided to wear heels but they were short. I'm used to wearing my sneakers or flat shoes. I wore a black dress with an opening on the back design was laced. My hair was pinned up into a low, twisted, bun with the front piece of my hair showing in front of my face, and I lightly did my makeup in a simple style.

"Awh, honey, my little girl is growing up." my mom exclaims.

"Your daughter looks stunning!" Mason's mom, I'm assuming, compliments me.

"Mom, stop, please." I begged her. I don't want to be embarrassed in front of the bad boy.

Mason kept scanning his eyes up and down on me. I mean, do I have something written on my forehead?

"Mason, don't you want to say something to Alexis", his mom nudges him with her elbow. It took a while for Mason to say something. The room was silent until I hear Mason mumbled something.

"You do look beautiful, Lexi." Mason timidly said underneath his breath.

"Thank you", I shyly said. I move my foot around in circles on the floor with my arms crossed behind my back.

"Let me take some pictures", my mom pointed out before I was about to get ready to get this night over with. I was getting uncomfortable when I realized that Mason moved closer by me, putting his arm around my back, hand placed just above my butt. Both of the moms kept snapping pictures. After what felt like hours of being photographed, I opened my mouth, "Okay, I think we better get going now." And to get this night over with, too. That thought had to come out from the back of my head.

"Have fun", my mom said.

"Good luck, Mason." Good luck Mason? Shouldn't I be getting some good luck here? Everyone at East Hallow High is going to see Mason is attending a school function with the ugly me, walking next to him.

Twenty minutes later..

We finally arrived at the dance. Mason drove in his Mercedes Benz car. It's a nice gray color. My heart is pounding and my hands are sweaty as to feel anxious about what everyone here is going to say when they see us, entering the school together. Not as a couple. Mason came around the corner after he got out of the car and I couldn't help that the bad boy cleaned up nice in his formal attire. He looks even hot than the night he stood over for dinner at my house. What am I saying? I got to control my thoughts. Mason twirled his fingers with my hand to hold and I want to know what his deal is. He closed his hand wit mine and I'm lost for words right now.  

"You okay?" Mason asked me.

I heard him but I couldn't face saying something.

"Lexi?" Mason tried getting my attention again. He even gently squeezed my hand to say something.

"Huh?" I shook my head to get myself together.

Mason smiled and chuckled before saying something back. "I asked if you're okay. You seem nervous."

"Oh, no. I'm fine. It's just hot in here." I lied. I'm freaking out.

"You sure?"

"Uh, huh. Yeah, totally." Phew! I hope he bought that lie.

He did. We walked into the gym and it looks absolutely incredible. There's balloons everywhere, music is playing; maybe the night won't be so bad. I'm not saying Mason is the highlight of my night.

"Mason!" A guy said, dramatically stretching his name calling. A bunch of boys walked over to Mason and I know it's for Mason. "You really did come out here tonight." The guy said, judgmental about his appearance here.

"Yeah, well you know, I'm always down to party."

The group of boys laughed as they pulled him away. As if they think he was attached to me like a magnet and need the gravitational force to pull us apart. Wait, am I actually saying I wanted Mason to stay by my side? Whatever. They pulled him away from me and I'm left standing there, all alone. I saw him turned around to look at me but I couldn't read his face or know what he's thinking. Or if he's ever thinking about something. One of the staff that's working at the dance came around asking if I wanted water or a glass of soda. I declined and when they tried to offer me something again, I declined. The staff kept on walking around and I turned myself around, sitting on the bottom bench, my elbows resting on top of my laps, hands holding on to my cheek, sloughing like a bum. Yup, cheers to a night I will never thought would come. Me, at the dance, alone. What else is new? Nothing because I deal with it on an everyday basis in school. 

This  is Mason's school dance outfit and the header is Lexi's dress

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This  is Mason's school dance outfit and the header is Lexi's dress. 

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