Chapter 10

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"He's overreacting again." You sighed as you placed your phone back in your pocket.

You were just hanging out with Yoongi but he's overreacting like he's your boyfriend even though he's not.

"Is it Taehyung or your so called boyfriend aka Jungkook?"he teased.

"Hahaha. Very funny Yoongi." You said sarcastically.

"But seriously, who the heck is it?"

You didn't answer and kept on sipping on your drink.

You saw him stare at you. It kinda scared you because he is your brother and you knew that he lots of nasty stuff in the past.  He claimed that he has changed but you didn't really know what kind of change did he

"It was Taehyung." You said as you slammed your palm on the table.

He smirked before he clicked his tongue and pulled out his phone.

"What the fuck is even wrong with him? He keeps calling you and it's annoying me." He said angrily.

"He's probably just worried about me." You replied. He shook his head before he said something.

"Worried? He calls you after every fucking hour and you call that worried? Eun Sang, are you that dumb?" He asked with annoyance evident in his voice.

You sighed then your phone rang again.

"Don't you fucking dare answer it." He said and told you to give him your phone.

He answered it.

When he did, you heard ragged breaths and scattered moans echoed through out the phone.

Yoongi looked at you wide eyed and almost dropped your phone.

You took your phone from him and pressed the end call button.

"Eun Sang...that was Jungkook isn't it?" He asked worriedly.

You were too hurt to even answer.

He grasped your hand but you removed it.

You don't have the right mad or to be jealous because he was never yours in the first place.

Sure, you did love him, in a way. But you never made it to being lovers because you knew that you loved someone else and he does too.

You walked out of the store as the cold air blew across your face, drying up the tears that built up in your eyes.

Yoongi followed you and grabbed your hand to pull you back.

"Eun Sang, stop acting like this." He said.

You flicked your wrist to remove his hand off you.

"I want to go home Yoongi." You said, still not looking at him.

He nodded his head and went in front of you.

He reached out his hand for you to hold and you took it.

"Hold me tight."

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