Our Man Is Here

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Here is the update promised guys!

"GUUUYS!! I missed you so much!" he yelled suddenly rushing in the class.
"Won Ji Shin!!!"

Jimin's POV
Kyaaaaaaaa it's our childhood best friend.
"Jiminnie!! Still small I see" he teased.
We all went for a hug.
"Hyung why are you in korea!?" asked Jungkook.
"Why you asked?" he suddenly changed to a serious face.
"First you answer me this"
He showed us his phone. There he showed us an opened article on Completelykpop about us.
"What happened!? How will you explain this to people??"
He scrolled down on his phone to show us A.R.M.Y's comments. Or let's say "A.R.M.Y's" because the were all fake.

Jimin is really ugly he should learn his lesson
4001 likes|2097replies|502 dislikes

Omooooo my jungkookie I cant believe it, how is that possible? I cant believe I was stanning a violent group....
3897 likes|1089 replies|278 dislikes

Ugh I knew it their are trash
3794 likes|987 replies|389 dislikes

They deserve this thinking they are better than everyone
2999 likes|898 replies|400 dislikes

Ha and to say my friend was a huge fan of them poor her I bet she will hate them forever
1450 likes|398 replies|170 dislikes

He continued scrolling down. Every comment was full with hate but the one that hit me the most was the first one. They were right. I was barely accepted in this group and I was nothing compared to my friend's beauty. I looked down as Ji Shin kept scrolling down until he reached the end of the page.
"This statics show true A.R.M.Y's and the fake ones"
I didnt want to look anymore and turned around. The boys were only silent. Are they amazed or sad?
"Either way" he put his phone back.
"I came here because of this whole situation. How are you gonna deal with it?" he asked.
"Ohohoho you don't know how stupid these two are" JHope said with a stupid grin on his face.
"Which means....?"
"Come Mr. Won we have alot to talk about..." said Namjoon dragging us out of the class.
We still had 30 minutes before the bell announcing next class so we decided to just skip class and go outside to talk.
"Ohhh so this is what happened..." he said interested.
"But how did you find where we were?" Jin asked him.
"Oh it's because......." he paused fo a second.
"I just transfered here!!" he exclaimed.
"Jinja???" we all yelled.
"Yes and when the director said on the intercom that they called you, I decided to check up on you and surprise you but turns out it wasn't the best moment....."
"Did you hear everything?" asked Suga blank.
"From the beggining when your producer called you to until the boy and the girl left locking you. Thanks to me you got put because I saw were they put the key and then I ran to take it and unlock your door" he said.
"So now, when will you have the interview?" he asked us.
"Honestly I don't know yet we haven't even talked with Bang PD Nim since we were locked when we had this idea. And we also need to take care of something first...." said Namjoon.
He only looked at me and I understood. I immediatly blushed but said.
"Follow me"
They stood behind me as I guided them to....
The abandoned room.
"Okay.... And what are we doing here?"
"S-see t-that on t-the ground?" I asked turning away. He approached the piece of fabric and then immediately backed off.
"Isn't this........ a-an underwear!??" he yelled.
"Yes it is and it belongs to no one else than Aejeong" RapMon said.
He know who Aejeong is after we told him all of our story.
"Oh my little lord and where is she now?" he asked blushing hard.
"In the classroom" V responded.
We all remained silent after and Namjoon got out of the class.
"We all decided to investigate at lunch time" said Suga.
"But from where will you start?" he asked.
"Chyeul Iris" said Jungkook stern.
He froze and looked at him.
"T-the one?"
"Yes her we saw her yesterday"
At the same time the bell rang.
"Aejeong!" Jin said and ran.
Oh right! What will she do? Will she come to look for her piece of cloth? We all ran towards the class. Every one was getting out but Aejeong and Sinjin weren't coming out. We peeked inside but it was empty.
"Where is she?"
"Here you are boys!" someone exclaimed from behind us.
"Oh shit the teacher...." I whispered.
"Why did you skip 2nd class?"
"We were uuuum..... We had to deal with umm... The director. Yeah! Because he called us and we had to help him" Namjoon.
"And you transfer student? What was your name again........ Ah yes Mr. Won Ji Shin"
"I lost myself in school seonsaengnim (teacher)" he answered bowing 45 degrees.
"Ok but now that you have the boys please stick with them until you get familiar with the school and don't be late for 3rd class" she said turning around.
"Phiou almost cought. But where is that girl Aejeong?" asked Ji Shin.
"I don't know let's get our things for next class she may be there" said Jin walking towards the lockers.
Every one reached the classroom and she was there. She looked less embarassed now. Did she find her thing? She was talking with a girl. It was Iris again.
"Class, today we have two new transfer students. Please present yourselves in front of the class"
Ji Shin went first.
"Annyeong my name is Won Ji Shin I came back from America please take care of me" he said while sitting next to JHope. The girls were fangirling over him but not for too long when they saw him talking with us.
"Ugh he knows them"
"Poor him he doesnt know anything about them yet"
"I hope he stops talking to them"
"Should we tell him?"
He was also being hated now because he knew us. Next was Iris and every girl death glared her because she was beautiful. Not more than Aejeong though.
"Annyeong my name is Chyeul Iris and I just came from China my mother is korean please take great care of me" she bowed completely.
"Ok please sit next to Jungkook over there" the teacher said pointing the empty seat next to him. She looked worried and surprised at the same time. Class was boring, nothing new. When the bell rang they all ran outside. Iris was about to join Aejeong when she bumped in Jungkook.
"Um I-I'm sorry..." she said trying to get away from him. He grabbed her shoulders not letting her move.
"Um excuse me please let me go" she asked.
"Why did you do this to me!? JINJA WAE!??" he shouted at her. Aejeong walked over and slapped him.
"Don't touch my best friend" and got away with her. Jungkook stood there tears rolling down.
"Ha how dramatic can this get I wonder.... Interesting" said a voice coming from the exit of the class.
"You again!?" Jungkook yelled running towards him and grabbing his collar.
"I see you got out with some help hum? A real drama is about to start I see. How does it feel to be slapped by the one you love the most?" he said.
Jungkook started lifting him.
"Jungkook calm down teachers might see us we have enough problems now" I said. He released him and got out of the class. We all followed him leaving Sinjin alone.
"Jungkook wait! I know how you feel but calm down please!!" Namjoon said.
"What do you know!?" he asked. His hair was hiding half of his face. He was really mad and sad.
I patted his back.
"Let's try to solve all this I know we can do it"
We were passing past the girl's restroom when Iris got out from there. I don't think she saw us. Jungkook geabbed her wrist this time. She turned around shocked. And secodns later started shouting.
"Let me go!! Leave me alone or I'll call a teacher" she was trying to get away from his grip.
"Not before we talk" and Jungkook tightened his hand around her wrist.
Ohhhhhh it's getting tense here.
Who is Iris exactly?
What will happen next?
How will BTS deal with all their problems?

Read next chapter to find out.

The Savage Girl (BTS Namjoon x Reader ff) ||COMPLETED|| Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu