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And that was the last thing I saw before I fell unconscious.

Aejeong's POV (Your POV)
I yelled and yelled. But he fainted. He couldn't hear me anymore. I cried. He was hurt badly because he was too worried for me. That's what I was trying to run away from. But I still ended up hurting him, them, my friends and the person I love so much. I hurted all of them.
I watched as Sinjin left leaving Hyoonjae in a guy that I don't really know's name.
"SINJIN!!" she yelled once more.
"Shut up" said the guy (Ji Shin).
"SINJIN YOU LITTLE-" Aejeong yelled once more before she saw him coming back, but in a police officer's hands.
"Don't you dare move all of you. You have the right to remain silent" a cop said approching me with three guys behind him.
"We have injured here please send two ambulances" another said to his waly talky. Five minutes later, we were all in the ambulance. I was still crying next to the unconscious Namjoon. Jungkook and Taehyung were bleeding everywhere while Jimin had a big and deep cut on the arm. Iris had a cut on her waist and Ji Shin on his face and back. Jin and Yoongi were bleeding from little injures. Oh I forgot my leg. But my mind was so wrapped up about other things that I even forgot about the pain. A police officer came to me giving me a blanket.
"You'll be all fine we will take you guys to a hospital to heal you well"
"How about Namjoon?" I said between my sobbing.
"The unconscious guy? I am sorry to tell you this but I am a police officer not a doctor I can't really tell" he left after that. We were all driven to Seoul hospital. The rest of the day went ok. The police came to ask me questions about the case and told me that Hyoonjae and Sinjin were sent to a prison for young people an once they get 18 years old they will be transported to a normal prison. But I still wasn't told how was Namjoon.

~A week later~

Most of the guys recovered fast and on my side, I was told I had to wear crutches for three months. I payed a visit to Joonie every day but he still hasn't woken up. Doctors told me yesterday he may be in coma for a whole month but nothing more. Until something changed at lunch time.
"Aejeong come eat with the rest" said Iris dragging me to the cafeteria. I just came out of Namjoon's room to see him as usual.
"Hi guys!" I exclaimed once I saw the others.
"Hello Aejeong, Iris. Any news from Namjoon?" asked Ji Shin.
"No... Not yet... I hope he gets well soon" I said in a disappointed voice.
"I hurt you all guys, this was what I was running away from all this time, but I still ended up hurting you" I said, tears coming out.
"Aejeong don't cry, it's not your fault we chose to help you. And we did the right thing ok? Sinjin is now in prison and he will never bother you again ok? Don't cry please, I don't like seeing you that way" said Jimin patting my head. We all gave to each other a big warming hug.
"Now let's eat cuz I'm getting really hungry~" said Jin. We all laughed.
But it still wasn't the same without Namjoon.
When we were all done, we decided to go check up on Namjoon once again but something else awaited us. Once we entered the room, we heard a beeping machine and doctors were running around him, taking his whole bed out of the room.
A doctor came out as I took his hand begging.
"Doctor what's happening? Why are you taking him out of the room? Why is that machine beeping? What is exactly going on??" I asked panicking when I saw the sad look he gave me.
"The wound were he was stabbed turned out to be more dangerous than we though and..." he looked down.
"AND!?" I took his shirt this time, shacking him.
"There is almost no chance he survives this" he said taking my hands away from his shirt.
"How much?" asked Ji Shin.
"Not more than 5% of chances" he said turning away. I plopped myself on the ground.
"N-no... He can't die." I cried in the middle of a hospital, people looking at me, other judging me, but I didn't care. What was most important was Namjoon. He can't leave me hanging like this. He has to live a little bit more....
The same doctor came back to me. "You can visit him now if you want he is in room XXX" he told me and I dashed there even before the others knew. When I reached the room, I slightly opened it and saw a person in an isolated room, lying on a bed. The room itself was so white... So... Suffocating should I say? There, in the middle, I saw a pale Namjoon, his face whiter than ever and his lips, with a blueish-purple color, completely dried. I sat on a chair next to his bed and took his cold hands. Tubes were seen everywhere around him and only a slowly beeping machine was heard. I let tears run down my cheeks as I saw the person I loved the most, in coma, fighting for his life. Between my tears I spoke hoping he might hear.
"Namjoon... How are you? I'm so sorry, it's all my fault. I knew this will happen and yet, you were hurt the most, to save me. The pitiful girl infront of you. I don't deserve to live. I only wanted you to know that you can't die. Not yet. Even if it takes my life to save yours, I'll do it. I want you to live a happy life. And forget me. You will be better without me. Know that I really love you and I hope you find someone who you will cherish all your life. Be safe and healthy. I'll always be up there watching you...
I love you. Goodbye,
Kim Namjoon"

That was it.
I had no other meaning to live.
People will be better without me.
I won't hurt anyone anymore.
I just need to end it.

I stood up from my chair, preparing myself to head for the rooftop.

But when I was about to go, something stopped me.
Something I know from the touch.
Welp... I have nothing to say.
This week we wont have school so I have more time to write my stories. This story might also end pretty soon. Next chapter coming up in not too long. Stay tuned!

The Savage Girl (BTS Namjoon x Reader ff) ||COMPLETED|| Where stories live. Discover now