Ch9: you obey me pt. 2 - Rumors

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Still leaning on the wall and my mouth covered, I thought:

Aejeong with Lee Sinjin!? What are they doing here alone?? I need to warn the boys.

But when I was about to leave and find the boys, I heard Sinjin speak again;

"Look baby, here's the deal, and this is your last chance. You can come live with me since you have no house but you stop school. You grant whatever request I have from you and I leave them alone. Do we agree or you rather I-"

"I agree but please let me still go to school... I want to have at least some type of education and there's no guarantee you won't do them anything without my presence" said Aejeong.

Say what again???

"Persistent like always aren't you... Ok. Then I'm adding one more condition" he said licking at his lips.

"What? Why? Aren't your first conditions enough?" she asked afraid.

"No. Because you are probably the most popular girl right now with all this drama and if I claim you mine, MY popularity will raise back. Then these boys will see who's right and who's wrong"

Aejeong didn't answer. She was crying silently.

"My condition is that you stick to me anywhere I go and play your role as my girlfriend. I don't care if you like me or not, this will be just a whole play. Soo you agree or not? Again if you don't agree then I will have to use my other ways..."

"I-I a-agree" she said, shaking.

"Great, now-"

But as he was speaking he got cut off by Aejeong who sent him a cold glare.

"But if you touch me or them, the deal is off" she hissed.

"Hmm?" he hummed in interest.

"I rather to get killed than have you do something to them"

"Honey you got that wrong. The deal is you o b e y me. This rule involves anyyything I ask of you. If I ask you to strip in front of the whole school then so you will. Don't worry, I won't touch them" he grinned widely at her.

"No... Nonono... Please... Anything but this. Please don't touch me again... Please..." she begged crying.

"Come onnnn. All the girls are satisfied with me in bed only you seem to be so afraid. I said you o.b.e.y me. Now strip."

The alpha in him rose higher than ever as Aejeong looked at him desperately, with no other choice but do what he said.

I was paralyzed on my spot. I could neither budge to help her neither run away to tell someone. I was just standing there, at the same place since the beginning, hand still at the mouth. The difference was I felt disgusted and more sad than ever.

Sinjin grabbed her violently by the arm and pushed her to lay on the ground.
Going on top of her, he said:

"You're gonna kill yourself? You think you have the right to make such decisions? By now you should've realised that you're just an object that serves to please me, nothing more, nothing less" he hissed at her grabbing her by the collar.

Warning: violence and smut(?)

Aejeong's face was now drowned in tears but Sinjin couldn't give less of a fuck as he was unbuttoning her shirt.

"T-the bell is going to ring s-soon" she murmured trying to save herself.

"Shut the fuck up bitch" said the now tempted man.

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