💀Bad ass 39💀

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I wake up to something or someone poking me then kissing me so I kiss back feeling familiar lips deepening the kiss I wrap my arms around her frame I giggle and she moans then pulls back I don't bother opening my eyes but I do smile at her "morning baby" I say "morning babe breakfast is ready" I hear Normani say

I open my eyes to see her straddling me with her hands on my stomach I nod bringing her back down for a kiss she cups my cheek and pulls away and gets up leaving me with a pout and I get up and get change and shit I walk out into the kitchen Larny passes me the food and I thank her with a kiss on her forehead and she smiles

I finish eating and start to think what we could do today i got nothing. "Guys what should we do today?"I asked sitting down on the sofa in the living room they look at each other and shrug "I have a meet and greet if you guys want to come?" Demi asked I just nod because I have nothing better to do with my life "sure why not I got nothing better to do" I say with everyone else agreeing

We all get ready and make our way to the meet and greet I just sit down with E and Elana chatting whiles the others talk to fans and that I look at the new fan that comes in and it looks like he is flirting with MY girls I use my sensitive hearing from my wolf to hear what his saying

"Hey baby how about you give me your numbers and I'll give you something to talk about" he said with a wink and licking his lips looking the girls up and down 'ok that's it' I get up and make my way towards the girls I can see that their uncomfortable and I hear them turn him down in the nicest way but he isn't taking no for an answer

"Hey babes he bothering you?" I question looking at him dead in the eyes "don't worry he was just leaving baby"Dinah said he just smiled "yea leaving with you and your numbers" "I think you should leave" I say trying to make him go away but he just stands there with a smug look "or what" he says challenging me getting up in my face I was about to say something when I was pulled back

I didn't take my eyes of him but I know it's Lauren and Dinah pulling me back the boy just smirks at me and waves "y/n calm down please he isn't worth it" Lauren says sitting you down and sitting on your lap while your still glaring at the boy who is being dragged out by security guards you let out sign of relief the day went on and you kept an close eye on all the fans not wanting anymore of that shit happening

The meet and greet finished about five minutes ago and everyone was hungry "Waffle House!" Ally shouted you just smiled and nodded and the others agreed "Waffle House it is then come on" I say walking out the room with the others behind me but only for someone to push me I look to see the boy that really pissed me off "I suggest that you leave before something regretful will happen" I say standing my ground "me you fight now winner gets the girls" he says pointing at the girls who do not looked impressed at all

I sign and rub my forehead out of frustration 'he brought this on himself' I look at the girls and they shrug I look at the boy and he swingers at me but I grab his fist twisting it "you brought this on yourself I did warn you but you didn't listen" I say pushing him away and he lands on the floor face first he gets up and looks at me with a death glare and I just stand there bored with one hand behind my back "I'll make it a fair fight for you or easier" I say chuckling at him

He comes running up to me I just step aside and make him trip over my leg he hits the ground hard I put my foot on his back to keep him down "stay down it will make it less painful for you not me" I say taking a step back to see what he will do but he gets up turning to face me with anger all over his face making him go red like a tomato I laugh cause he looks like he is about to explode making him more red if that's possible

"Look mate you look like your about to explode so why do you go cool off and then we can talk like responsible adults ok?" I asked but it looks like he doesn't like that because ran at me punching me in the face but I heard a crack... It wasn't me I think he broke his hand because my head didn't move and inch (like Jacob when bella hits him lol 😂) He backs up and holds his hand to his chest screaming in pain "look dude I really don't want you to hurt yourself but look what you did you broke you fucking hand now will you fuck off" I asked but he kicks me in the nuts I collapse on the floor holding myself in my private parts

"Shut the fuck up bitch" he says kneeing me in the face making me fall back on the floor I hear the girls gasp and scream I start to got numb 'that's fucking it!' I look back at him standing up and whipping the blood of my lip I grab him and he tries to get another hit on me but I'm not having it I lift his above my head and doing the black widow on him

(don't judge I watch WWE and shit... Leave me alone ok I'm only human I like Paige though she's amazing)

I watch him hold his back I pick him up again and put him in the black widow he screams in pain trying to break free "give up?" I asked him and he nods violently I let go and he collapsed to the floor holding his arm and back "next time don't start something you can't finish" I say walking away towards the girls then the pain starts to come back but I just bear it "that was fucking hot" Mila and Normani say in unison I just nod trying to make the pain got away we walk to Waffle House I just sit down and focus on healing that I zoned out

A/n hey so I've been busy and shit but I'm still trying to update but i don't know if I should continue should I? I mean comment if you want me to? It's a yes or no question ok? Xoxo-Lara

Normal girl or not fifth harmony/youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن