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Nevaehs pov

My best friend Sofia was gonna come over with her daughter Shayleena. I don't know what's gonna happen with me being pregnant but she told me that she was gonna come to the doctors with me. I was kinda scared because I wanted to see how far along I am but I might be like farther then I think and a lot of people already know.

I didn't know how I was gonna tell Austin this because I really don't think he wants any part of this. He doesn't even know I'm pregnant but he will find out soon. Word floats around and even though he doesn't tutor me anymore someone's gonna tell him maybe it will be Alex.

Their was a knock on the door and Christian ran downstairs to open it for me. Sofia came up the stairs with shayleena. She was so adorable and I was starting to be scared because I know that I'm gonna be having my baby soon. I know how much work this is and I'm not sure what I even wanna do. I don't know if I can do this without anyone's help.

"Hey girl" Sofia said sending a soft smile

"Hey sof hey shay" I said waving to her

She put Shay on my bed and I was trying not to think about being pregnant. My mind was racing I was overthinking everything.

"So how far along do you think you are?" She asked

"I have no clue. I don't even know when I got pregnant"

"But you know for sure it's not that Alex's kid?"

"Yeah because I just started sleeping with him. I wish it was his baby to be honest because at least he isn't a liar. Austin is married, with a kid and lives with his wife. How did I get myself into this"

"Do you wanna be with Austin?" She asked

"To be honest I don't know. I just know I don't wanna do this on my own but I might not have a choice" I sighed

"Your not thinking of getting rid of the baby are you?" She said shocked

"Of course I'm not but I don't know what I wanna do either" I frowned

I put on some white ripped jeans and a regular black shirt. I wasn't getting that much fatter and my jeans still fit but I knew soon that wasn't gonna work. I really don't want an abortion but I really don't know if I wanna take care of a baby all by myself at 17.

Sofia drove me down to the clinic. We were going to some planned parenthood place that you didn't need your parents to come to that she knew about apparently. The place was kinda busy once we got their but when we got inside their wasn't many girls in their.

"Nevaeh?" They called out

We all got up and followed her into this back room. I laid down on the table and they had me answer some questions and then they squirted this gel on my stomach and started moving something around and all of a sudden my baby popped up on the monitor next to me.

"So this is the head and then down here is the feet" She said

"It's so tiny" I said shocked

"It looks like your about 15 weeks along" She said

"Could I have some pictures"

"Yup I'm gonna give you some of those" She nodded typing on the computer

15 weeks I'm almost 4 months pregnant and that's when the cruise happened. I was almost positive it was Austin's baby now. I was kinda disappointed because I thought their was a slight chance it would be Alex's. But I guess I can't catch a break. I got caught up in the wrong guy. A guy my dad set me up with basically.

"here's your pictures" she said handing me a sheet of them

We walked out of the doctors after I made my next appointment. She told me I needed to start eating healthier and taking prenatal vitamins. I don't know how I'm gonna be doing all this and still hiding this. I was going to start getting morning sickness she said and that's gonna be so hard to hide.

"So how do you feel?" She asked

"I feel I don't know. I know for sure it's Austin's now" I sighed


"Because that's how long ago the cruise was and Austin was the first person I slept with and Alex and I used a condom all the time where Austin just did it" I shrugged

"Oh baby girl" She frowned

"Yeah I know"

" my baby daddy isn't the best dad either" She sighed

"Yeah but then they baby suffers this is the whole reason I don't wanna be pregnant unless the dad is gonna stay and if it was Alex's he probably would have"

"Well why don't you just tell Alex it could be his because your not a 100% sure" She suggested

"I can't just go make him think it could be his"

"But it could be do you know if a condom ever broke with you guys?" She asked

I tried thinking of all the times Alex and I have fucked. I really don't know if the condoms ever broke because I never handled the condoms. It's possible but I don't know if I wanna make Alex worry for the chance of it being so slim it's his.

"Just tell Alex and he'll be their for you throughout the whole pregnancy it's such a good idea maybe he'll end up falling in love with you and taking care of you and the baby" She said exaggerating

"I don't know about all that this baby is his best friends baby" I said glancing at her

"Exactly so he's like family to the kid already" She smirked

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