Couldnt compete

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Nevaeh's pov

I was laying in Alex's bed under the covers while he was playing a game. Alex wanted to hangout with me today alone. It's been a few weeks since I found out I was pregnant and I really need to go to the doctors. I don't know if I wanna keep it or not but I don't know if I could do that to my baby.

I wasn't any bigger then normal but I knew that their was a life growing inside of me and I'm just 17 I don't know about all this and Austin already got someone pregnant now I'm pregnant.

"What's wrong" Alex asked

"I'm just not feeling good" I said holding my stomach

"It's hurts ?" He asked

"Yes" I frowned

"I'll cuddle you" He smiled

He got closer to me and pulled the covers over us. We've been cuddling all day and just talking and he hasn't caught on to anything but I haven't been suspicious.

"This makes me feel better" I said playing with his hair

"I'm glad it does" He smiled

I was just laying Their and then I felt my stomach churn. I keep getting this feeling and now I know I'm gonna throw up. I pushed Alex off of me and ran to the bathroom to throw up a couple times. I could feel my stomach clinching and then it stopped after I threw up what I just ate.

Alex came running around the corner and he looked worried. Alex and I hVe lowkey been having sex and he must be thinking the worse but it's already bad. I'm already pregnant and it's not with who I want it to be with. I haven't even spoken to Austin because of how things went when we seen each other last.

"Holy fuck" Alex said

"I'm fine don't worry"

"Why are you sick? Have you had your period cuz we've been fucking and like you never told me your on your period" He said

Oh shit He was catching on. He's right I never said anything like that. I was gonna make something up saying I was having my period but I forgot because of how I'm stuck on being pregnant.

"I have gotten it but it's short" I lied

"But we have been together the past couple weeks like everyday" He said confused

He wasn't stupid and I know he was going to put this together and I was gonna have to think of a good lie.

"But that's not even possible your sick, your stomachs been hurting and you've been acting so moody lately" he said describing my symptoms

I gulped afraid he was gonna say it. He was gonna think it was his and I don't even know what to tell him. I don't wanna tell him it's his best friends baby either but I think I'm going to hVe to admit this already.

"I'm fine Ac don't worry" I said reassuring him

"Your pregnant" He suddenly said

"What!" I shrieked

A wave of fear washed over my face and Alex was just standing their staring at me in his muscle shirt. He looked so confused until he said that. He didn't look happy either and he doesn't even know all of it.

"What? Noo" I lied

"Nevaeh" He said serious

"Alex" I said back

"We're going to the store to get a fucking pregnancy test" he said grabbing his keys

"No no we're not we don't need to do that"

"Why not? I need to put my mind at rest" he said

I stood in front of him trying to block him from the stairs. All 110 pounds of me was trying to keep this dude back. I don't even know why I was getting all defensive about it I can just stick the stick in the toilet and it will come out negative.

"Fine Alex whatever you say" I said rolling my eyes

Alex was a wreck the whole time in the store he was so nervous and worried for no reason. It's not even his baby so he dodged a bullet. The lady looked at us weird because Alex looked older then me when he really wasn't that much older.

"Let's get this done" He said breaking open the box

"I'll go pee on it I guess" I said rolling my eyes

I went to walk into the bathroom but Alex came with me. I don't know why but he was standing their waiting for me to do it.

"Alex why are you in here?" I asked confused

"Because I wanna see this happen" he said shaky

"Ac I can do this myself"

"Please let me just stay in so nervous right now I cannot go out their and wait" He said sympathetic

I felt bad because he was so nervous he looked like he was gonna have a panic attack. Alex has some bad anxiety and I knew his heart was racing. He was gonna find out sooner or later so I guess he's gonna find out now.

I peed on the stick and he watched me the whole time. He was watching scared of the results and I wasn't worried because I already knew what they were. He wasn't to close to the counter with me and I looked down on it and had no expression. He looked at me for an answer and I held it out for him to grab. He was weary but grabbed in and then dropped it on the floor. I guess he knows what two lines means.

"Is This this is is my baby?" He asked

I felt hurt he even has to ask that because it makes me feel like a hoe I hopped to his best friend.

"No" I admitted

"What?" He said almost angry

"It's not yours we just started sleeping together I've been pregnant for like 8 weeks" I shrugged

"What the fuck"

"What?" I hissed

"Who's fucking baby is it then? I was catching feelings for you too and this is how you do me?" He said shocked

"We just started sleeping together" I said slower


"And it's not yours" I said again

"Who's is- ohhh" he said chuckling "I forgot"

"Forgot what!"

"That you lost your virginity to him when I tried getting u the whole time on the cruise" He spat

"I didn't know you wanted me like that Alex and neither does he he wants nothing to do with this baby" I told him

"What? He said that" he asked confused

"Yeah he has a wife and a baby Alex you told me"

"I didn't know you didn't know that. Nobody even knew you two were sleeping together till I brought u to my room and Austin looked at you like a snack" He growled

"I had my eye on Austin he was my English tutor"


"English tutor" I said again

"Austin isn't a tutor"

"What do you mean?"

"Austin don't even go to school" He laughed

"What!" I said my face dropping

"He's lying big with you Dam, guess he knew he couldn't compete with me" He cocked

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