Chapter 3

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Stitch insisted on walking me home but after giving in no words were exchanged by either of us. Here I thought that I could've stayed here for a bit longer, get more money aside but me being me, I found a way toruin it. Getting close to them was a mistake, and I couldn't afford that. I had to be smart with my moves from now, no more mistakes and but most important of all, no more Stitch. He was already putting my guard down, and I didn't even know who he was,

"This is it," I say as we reach my building,

"Do you want me to go up with you kitty?" Stitch asks rubbing his hand on my arm, flinching away I shake my head and turn my back. My phone buzzed once more in my back pocket, I knew it was Cass, she had been calling me the whole walk back but I didn't want to talk to anyone at all.

I opened my apartment door and head inside, placing the keys on the bowls on the right and close it. Looking around I feel my chest tighten, I sure am going to miss this place but it was time. I couldn't afford to get any closer than I already am or I might put myself in jeopardy. I was still feeling a bit anxious so I decided to make some coffee just to calm my nerves a bit before I started packing everything. I look over the painting that I had been letting out to dry, the colors that I had used in it were my mothers favorites and with this simple fact I began to have flashbacks about how everything changed.

I rememberedhow my mother would spent her days painting away in the attic and I would go up there spending time with her. As soon as I was able to hold a pencil she would give me paper let me doodle and she'dmake art out of it. I remember when we used to sit around talking about boyswhen I was 10 or 11, and I would just say that they were disgusting and I would never marry a boy. Then at 12, my mum wasn't around home as much. She had gotten diagnosed with breast cancer so she was in and out of hospitals a lot, the doctors said that she was cancer free after a whole year of chemo therapy. We were so relieved with this news that we went out to celebrate, but the celebration didn't last long. A few months later the cancer was back and it was more aggressive then before, and within a 6 months we were burying her.

When my mother passed away, my father shut me out, I was left alone and my father would go out drinking away his health. As a teen handling situations like this was not ideal and it cost me a lot of my mental health. I stopped drawing or painting because I had to do the housework, I know that I did everything I could for my dad to be okay, but nothing seemed to be working. It made me really sad seeing my father this broken, even though I had lost a mother, I understood that my father lost the love of his life. A few months later, my father comes home announcing that he was getting married again, it shocked me. The rage built inside me of how easily he could be replacing my mother, the love of his life as he used to say everyday, built up even more when he showed up with her at our house.

Clara was nice in the beginning, she helped me around with the housework and even though she tried to get on my good side, my gut was telling me that this bitch was up to something. As soon as she moved in with us my gut proved me that I was right, suddenly she became the boss of the household and my father did nothing. When the wedding was just right around the corner she decided to make me her bridesmaid, even thought I could see how much she disliked the idea I knew that my father had something to do with this.

The night of the rehearsal dinner was an absolute disaster and I couldn't have been anymore happier then I was. Before the dinner I had managed to get my father aside to have a word with him, but he was too drunk to even hear what I was saying, I knew my mother would've been disappointed in the decision I made that day, not the destroying part, but the part where I had my father ingest more alcohol I've ever seen him do so. When we joined everyone at the dinner, Clara was furious to see my father stumbling around drunk as a sailor. Obviously this whole thing was pinned on me, but I didn't really care, as I didn't want them to get married.

Things started getting weirder as she moved in with us. I knew there was something that wasn't right when the bank statements that was delivered showed money missing. Months had passed by and money began running short, and we could hardly pay the bills anymore, but Clara didn't seem too fussed about it when she would come home with 20-30 bags of designer clothes. I went to talk to my dad about his all he said was to leave it alone. That's when I knew something was up.My father was never one to hide things from me, especially after my mother died and when I had to take care of everything around the house. A few days after the confrontation my dad got a call from the hospital saying that he had been diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. The amount of alcohol he had ingested past these 2 years, caused so much damage to his liver that he was going to die and there was nothing we could do about it. We took my father to the hospital, and he never left. I visited him everyday until one day I go and the nurses look at me with a sad glance, that's when I knew that I was alone in this world. The bitch didn't even have the decency to call me or send me a text that my father had passed away. I felt numb, as the nurses talked to me, I just nodded and turned my back to the hospital and made my way home.As I turned around one last block, I saw acar outside parked in front,pitchblack with no license plate, I didn't think anything about it other then the fact that it was illegal to drive around with no license plate. I didn't take much account to it, as I didn't want to get in trouble with whoever or whatever was going on. As I entered my house, I saw my step-mother talking to a man in a suit with two other men by his side wearing the same clothing,

"That's her right there." She said as she pointed to me,next thing I knew,I wasin the back of thecar and leaving everything behind. She had sold me off to pay for her debts, after everything my father had done for her.

I don't remember much of the car ride there as the men had knocked me out so I couldn't remember or report the location. When I awakened,I looked at my surroundings and saw nothing but cemented walls and a single bed with no bedding only a flimsy torn up sheet to cover myself with and fromallthe stories I had read on wattpad, I knew better than to start yelling and begging for them to release me, I did not want to get my ass kicked by a bunch of huge guys. Time ticked by slowly, I didn't know how many hours had passed by,until the door was yanked open. I looked up to see thatit was the man that my step-mother had been talking to at home, except this time he wore a black long-sleeved shirt and some black slacks, with leather gloves instead of the suit he had on. Coming in closebehind himwere two other men asIlooked at them Inoticed one of them carryingan old school doctor bag. That's when I knew thatI was going to die in this place, and there was nothing I could do,

"Do you know who I am?" The who entered first asked, I shook my head to answer him, but I could see that the fact I didn't vocalize my answer angered him, causing him to come up to me and slap me across the face,

"Let's try this again, do you know who I am?"

"No," I answered weakly,

"My name is Damien Lopes," My eyes widen as I recognized the name, he was the president of the Phoenix Ashes club, the most dangerous and notorious M.C in Grimsby,

"Oh, so you do know who I am," He chuckled darkly, I knew I was doomed. He was known as the angel of death in the city. Everyone knew who he was, he had left his mark in so many families that everyone feared him, those who didn't would end up dying regretting the fact they didn't. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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