Chapter 2- Lilo

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On the ride to the diner Cass and I had decided that we would share a pizza and among other small talk I had asked how Cass and Killjoy met each other. As Cass told me the story I could see how the the happiness in her eyes bloomed, but I could also see the sadness hidden in them as she recalled,

"It was about 3 or 4 years ago, and I had just moved here just like you. I was looking for a place to stay and a job, when he bumped into me, and at that time, I had no clue who they were, so I yelled at him saying he should watch where he was going, and all he said was that he did it on purpose to strike a conversation with me.  I thought to myself that he was a creep and dodged him. A few months later I was working at H&M and he showed up and said he was sorry for scaring me off. I didn't recognise him at first, but then it all came back to me, he asked me out for dinner as an 'I'm sorry' and I gave him the benefit of the doubt and here we are, 4 years later. You know he helped me in a lot of ways, more than you can imagine Lilo and if it weren't for him, I honestly don't know where I'd be. I know this sounds like one of those sappy lovesick stories, but he truly saved me. "

 I could tell that there was more to the story, but I didn't press any further, private matters are private matters, if she wanted to share she would've. I thought of the way she expressed herself in saying that Killjoy saved her. It indeed sounded like a sappy story, but I doubt that she was running away from someone at that time. It was easy to say that you can understand what a person is going through, but you will never understand the true pain.

 We were the first ones to arrive at the diner and it looked like an absolute piece if shit.As  we head inside we go over to the booth in the far corner, and sit down,

"I know this place looks like a shit hole, but I promise it's not." Cass laughs as she notices that I was looking around and silently judging the worn out wallpapers and the outdated menus, giving her a tight smile. As we wait for her boyfriend and Stitch to arrive she decides to make small talk on how much she loved moving here. We didn't have to wait long, because before I knew it, Cass' boyfriend slid in the booth and sat beside her,

"Hi, I don't think we've been introduced properly, I'm Killjoy and that's Stitch," he points over to my side. I look over to Stitch and feel intimidated by he's large figure. I already knew who they were cause Cass had pointed them out, 

"I don't bite, unless you ask me," Butterflies erupt in my stomach as I hear his voice. Stitch smirks, causing me to look away and blush deeply. I hadn't realised that I was staring at him,

"So, Lilo where you from?" Killjoy asks trying to change the conversation, looking over at him I noticed Cass cuddled by his side smirking at me, 

"I'm from Grimsby, but I've been in London for about 2 months or so," I say looking over at Killjoy, completely avoiding her stare. I could only imagine how red I looked,

"What made you come to London?" Stitch asked curiously,

"I needed a fresh start to be honest, there was nothing to do in Grimsby, and since everyone always hypes about London I decided to give a go," I say shyly. I felt bad for partially lying to them, 

"Hello, what can I get for you today guys?" I hear a man call out, looking over I see him staring in my direction, and I cower away. I feel the seat beside me shift and someone clearing their throat. Looking at over at Cass and Killjoy I notice both of them are wide eyed looking at Stitch, sneaking a glance to my right I understood why. Stitch had leaned over the table on his side facing the waiter, I couldn't see his face, but by the fear in the waiters eyes and the gawking looks from Cass and Killjoy I could only imagine he was glaring,

Saving Lilo (FADED BONES MC) - Currently being re-writtenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin