28. The Reality

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I am watching
People from the train
They pass by quickly.

They all keep their heads down
Looking at their phones
Or even at their feet.

But this girl
Is looking up at the sky.
And she sees the stars
That are covering the night.

And then she can't see them.
Why is that?
It's the light pollution
That is covering the sight.

We did this.
We destroyed the nature
We robbed all the fun
From children to play freely
In the nature, away from town.

We cut down all those trees
We need for the paper
To write on in schools
Built by all the hard workers
Paid way too little.

We killed all those species
Because of us
They don't exist anymore.

And we built those concrete cities
We ride on those concrete roads
We live our concrete lives
Away from joy, away from fun.

We destroyed the nature
We destroyed them all
All the forests
All the species
They aren't coming back.

But what is bad
Always returns twice
And it will hit us
Twice as hard
It will hurt us
Twice as much.

Because we have to pay
For everything we did
We destroyed the nature.

Now let that fact sink in.


Heyya Unicorns! So what do you think about this poem huh?
I was riding a bus to my home and I just couldn't help but think, you know?
First I made up this poem in my head and because I couldn't put it down imediately it isn't as good as it was the first time because I forgot a lot of it by the time I came home.
But still:
Did it make you think? How did you feel reading it?

If you liked it, I would appreciate you clicking on that little star in the left corner. And I'd be happy of all the comments.

Love ya!

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