Chapter 1 - where are we?

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(Ty Pov)

I looked around, how did I get here? "Guys?" I asked. I felt like I was being watched. "Adam?" I said standing up, "Ty?" Adam's voice echoed down my ear.

Looking around trying to spot Adam I started to walk but just fell back down with aching on the back of my foot.

I heard some running come nearer to me "Ty, are you ok?" Adam asked concerned I nodded "I must have fell on my leg pretty badly" I said gripping Adam's hand, he pulled me up "what happened?" Adam asked.

We both looked around seeing we were in a school "don't you think the desks are a bit small?" I asked I looked back to Adam seeing his yellow eyes full of fear.

Adam walked over to the window, "why can't I open the window?" Adam shouted I walked next to him, "we should really look for a way out" I said still feeling as we were being watched.

Adam nodded "bet Mitch and Jerome are pranking us" he said, I nodded. We both left the classroom together.

My eyes winded "why is there holes?!" I asked. Adam grabbed my hand "we better stay together" he said I nodded as we kept going

"what is that smell?" Adam asked I wanted to be sick of how bad the scent was... I looked at the door that the scent were coming from "Ty, stay near ok?" Adam said letting go of my hand.

I watched as he pushed the door opened then I overheard some children gigging my body stopped, Adam seemed like he didn't hear them. He walked in so I followed...

(Adam Pov)

My eyes winded as I found out what the smell were coming from "Ty don't look!" I warned but I was too late,

he fell back trembling "i-is that a dead body!" he questioned scared "i-it can't be it must be fake" I said wanting to believe I was right. I walked closer to it trying to make sure it was fake...

i-it was real...

I wanted to be sick but I needed to be tough for Ty. I looked back at Ty seeing him closing his eyes breathing heavily I put my hand on his shoulder

"T-Ty I think we better leave this room" I said he nodded and grabbed my hand "you don't recall what happened right?" a voice whispered behind me Ty's eyes were full of terror I looked behind me to see a blue ball of flames.

"better get used to lifeless bodies, you'll see more in time" her voice were fall off sadness... "Where is the way out?" I asked "I'm sorry to tell you... but there is no way out... if they were I wouldn't be here..." "There must be a way out" Ty said shock.

"you two are not alone... I can feel four new souls in this school..." she whispered

"That must be our friends!" Ty said looking at me "that means we can go find them" I said giving a small smile

"I'm sorry... but that can't happen... yes they may be in this school but you cannot see them and they can't see you... I must go or they will find me... don't end up like us... it hurts... it hurts..." the flame went away

I grabbed Ty's hand "l-lets g-go" I said Ty nodded and grip my hand harder.

(Ty Pov)

We left the room I kept my eyes down not wanting to see anymore...

"d-did we really talk to a g-ghost?" I spoke up seeing Adam looking around... "I guess we did" he whispered I just hope our friends are ok...

I stopped walking hearing children gigging "Ty?" Adam asked worried my body were solid I felt someone behind us. I turned my head to the side just to see if there anything there...

my eyes winded but it was so fast I saw a little girl in a red dress but it was a blurry... "Didn't you see that?" I asked terrified. Adam looked at where I was looking "no?" he confused "must just be me then" I said looking down.

I felt Adam's arms around my neck "don't you worry you're my princes" Adam said smiling at me I chuckled at him even if we were in a school with dead people he can always make me laugh.

"Hey we can rest up in the nurse office" Adam said we both walked in looking around spotting two bed "you sit I can fix your leg up now" Adam said telling me what to do "ok Nurse Adam" I joked back Adam snickered.

I put my hand in my pocket just to find a piece of paper... "Hey I got a piece to" Adam said pulling his part out my head started to hurt I remember what happened...

Season 1 Corpse party (skylox Merome setosolace) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now