Chapter 6

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I woke up with a bright light beaming into my eyes. My head ached like a demon had gotten in and stabbed my brain. There was a nurse standing over me, she was around 40 years old, auburn hair, and friendly green eyes with crow's feet either side. "Ruby. Glad to see you're awake."

"W-where am I? Why am I here? Where's Joel, and Felix, and Sara?" I cried.

"They're in other rooms. You can go visit them later. But for now, is there anyone I can call for you?" Andy's name immediately sprung to mind.

"Um...Andu. Call Andy."

"Okay, do you have a number for him?" I went through my phone and told the nurse his number. Around an hour later I got a knock on the door, and I saw a tall dark figure in the window. Andy. His hair was shorter now, but other than that he undoubtedly looked the same. He burst through the door "Ruby! Oh my God what happened?" I| burst into tears as he came and kissed my forehead.

"Andy! I've missed you so much!" I kissed his lips, but couldn't feel a thing. Then I woke up. It was all a dream.

The room was dim, and lit with a single light fixed into the cieling. "Hello Ruby, good to see you're awake. You're head's fine, and you're friends are down the hall. You can go and see them if you like." So I got up, and walked down the hallway to see Joel's and Felix's room. I went in to see Felix's leg in a huge clay cast, and Joel was topless with a bandage around his ribs. Sara was laying completely still, unconcious, pale and weak. Joel and Felix looked at me with sorrow. I covered my mouth with my hands in shock when I realised what that look meant.

"No no no no no! Don't tell me she's-" I swallowed my tears, but couldn't hold them in. They nodded. Sara was dead. I stormed over to Felix and hugged him tightly, knowing the last conversation I had with Sara was an argument. Joel sat there still for a moment, until he lowered his head and I watched the tears drip from his eyes. "Um...are you guys okay?" They nodded quietly.

Sooner or later we were driven home by the hospital and left to continue our lives alone. We didn't talk the whole way back. There was nothing to say. Joel wanted to bury Sara in the woods, near the house. The hospital would deliver the body tomorrow.


I still couldn't shake the idea that Sara was gone. I barely even got to know her. I'm not sure how the house would be now; it was too quiet. What made things worse is having to see Joel everyday - he risked all our lives and let one of us die - his own sister. I coudln't bare to talk to him - he killed his own sister. He's dead to me.

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