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you're about 6-7 in this


"Steven! Let's go!" You pulled on his small hand as you started to run to the door.

"(Y/n), where are we going?" The small gem asked as you pulled even more on him as you made it outside. With a quick stop, you turned to meet with his brown eyes and started to explain.

"Steven, Momma is out with the others for a while on an adventure. Why don't we have our own gem adventure on the beach!" He looked unsure for a minute until he finally gave in, not having a choice.

"Okay, but don't you remember what Pearl sa-,"

"Don't get too close to the ocean, I remember...NOW LET GO GET SOME GEMS!" You started running the opposite direction of Steven, making him call for you and running after you.

For a few hours, you and Steven picked up as many rocks as you could find and pretended they were poofed gems that you were saving. As you climbed on a group of rocks, your foot slipped from it being slippery and cut your knee on the rock with a loud scream.

"(Y/N)! OH NO WHAT HAPPENED!?" Steven came running to you as he carefully went down the rock to get to you. Your face was red as a beet with tears, and a little snot, running down your face as you held on to your now bloodied knee.

"I-I sli-slipped on-on the-he -ro-ro-rock!" You stuttered through your pain. You had a feeling you shouldn't have climbed that rock, but there was such a pretty shell sitting on top of it and wanted to get it for your mom.

"(Y/N)! STEVEN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" You both turned your head to the angry voice of your mom with Pearl and Amethyst in her wake. When she got closer, her grimacing snarl became more of a worried frown. "What happened? I want the whole thing." As you started your story, Pearl lifted you up carefully and brought you back to the house. At the end of the whole few hours they were gone, Pearl had clean and wrapped your knee up all nice.

You couldn't even look at your mom as she knelt in front of you, you were scared she was going to yell at you. She lightly put her index finger and thumb under chin and slowly lifted your head so your eyes would meet her visors, seeing your crying, red face in the reflection.

"I am not mad (Y/n), you just need to know that it is dangerous what you did back their. If I had not used my future vision to check on you, who knows what would've happened." You looked up to her and smiled, "Well, you would know, but you changed it." She seemed to lighten up a little bit and sighed.

"But I hope you know that whenever the Gems or I are not here, you shall not pass the stairs. Do you understand?" You sighed but nodded your head in agreement and hugged it out, knowing you were not able to go out on the beach for a while.


"(Y/n), i'm gonna find you!" Your mother laughed as she looked around for you. You stifled your giggles as you hid behind the couch. You were finally hanging with your mother, since she didn't have to go out and adventure with the other Gems.

She suggested you both play a game for the time being, then you take a nap before supper. You agreed with glee and without hesitation, you slapped her arm, yelled tag you're it, and ran off. She chased you for who knows how long until you lost her with your short legs, then dived for the back of the couch.

"I wonder where my little flower could be hiding~?" You slapped your hands over your mouth as you suppressed more giggling. All of a sudden, your mother's pale hand came into view, making you screech in fear. As you ran from the couch, you were only starring back at her with big eyes, your mother quickly had a look of worry.

"(Y/N)! WATCH OUT!" You turned at the last second and your face met with the wooden counter then, when you backed up in shock, into a stool. Your mother was by your side less than a second checking out your new injuries.

"Oh darling, are you okay? Your nose is starting to bruise a little!" Her frantic hands moved your (y/h/c) hair out of your face. Some fresh tears started making their way down your face and your mother's worry intensified.

"Don't cry darling! Here, let me fix you up." She picked you up gently as she sat you on the counter and got the first aid kit.

Let's just say, you are now banned from running in the house.


As the rain poured down you, steven, your mom, and the other gems were sitting in a circle as you were playing a family board game.

"But Auntie Garnet, you're the only one who doesn't have a team member!" You cried out as she just smirked at you.

"Trust me, I do have a team." You looked at her with confusion in your eyes but decided again asking questions.

After starting the game, it went from nice peaceful family game to every man left doors themselves. Aunt Pearl was sweating profusely, Steven was on the verge of tears, Auntie Garnet was just sitting there, and momma was looking at her cards in her hands.

"I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS! WHAT ARE WE EVENING PLAYING?!" Aunt Pearl screamed as frantically looked around, trying to figure out what was even happening.

"We're playing life Pearl! How do you not know how to play life?" Steven piped up as he was wiping away some tears.

"Because she doesn't have one, duh." Your mom whispered in your ear and you started laughing with her. Pearl looked, as usual, displeased with her in that moment since she know exactly what she said.

"You keep yourself quiet Amethyst!" Aunt Pearl didn't realize when she said that, she unintentionally picked up the spinner and chucked it at her. Well, you saw this and immediately jumped in front of your mom and took a hit straight to the eye, making you fall back into your mom's lap.

"Oh goodness! (Y/n) I swear I didn't mean to hit you with that! I was aiming for Amethyst!" Amethyst looked up at her, now wearing the displeased look on her face, but immediately shook it off when she checked on your eye.

"Lil monster, what did I tell you!" You looked away when she said that and sighed.

"'Don't jump in front of me when something is flying my way.' I know that I shouldn't of. But hey, I can probably wear and eye patch and be a pirate!" She smiled down at you and hugged you close as she stood up and brought you to the bathroom.

"There is something completely wrong with you, and i love you for it."

well....hi! i've been away for a while, hasn't it?

i decided that since, you know, the series is coming to an end soon...very soon...i'd try and continue this book until i can't write any more chapters!

i've been with the show for years and i felt bad when i just completely fell of the face of the earth and stopped writing this scenario book.

but im somewhat back! i can't promise that i'll post very consistently, but ill try! and if you can, request some ideas to help me continue writing chapters, it would mean a lot!

thank you again and have a great day~!

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