You Have A Nightmare

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you're about 5ish in this


You looked up at the big ball of greenish/yellow light hurling towards earth. It was in the shape of something but it was blurred out so you couldn't make out the shape. You looked up to see your momma and a fusion standing next to her.

'Who is that? Where are we? What's happening?' You couldn't control your thoughts. You were scared, confused, hurt, so many emotions that you couldn't understand. Steven came out of nowhere and your body moved on it's own, falling right next to him.

"Steven! (Y/n)! Get out of here, it's too dangerous!" Your momma yelled at the both of you. You felt different, you had no control over your body. You could only see what was happening.

"No! I'm not leaving you! You're my family and I love you. Whatever you're trying to prove or protect doesn't mean shattering yourself. What about me? What about Steven? IM NOT LOSING YOU TOO!" Tears were streaming down your face like a waterfall as you kept on talking, but it turned into empty silence, only hearing everything else but you.

Steven grabbed your hand and ran towards the other Gems and created a bubble around all of you. Three unfamiliar Gems walked towards you and your momma charged at her. The other Gem looked unfazed and took out a weapon and-



Your momma fell back with yellow lines cracking her body. The only thing you see left is three eyes before-

"LOVEBUG WAKE UP!" You woke up with a scream as you saw your reflection of the familiar glasses you came to know and love.

"Momma...MOMMA OH IT WAS HORRIBLE!" You busted into tears once again and clung to your momma like there was no tomorrow.

"Lovebug, what's wrong? What happened?" You shook your head, not wanting to remember the horrible dream you had.

Your momma gently picked you up and started to sing to you, trying to calm you down. You calmed yourself and gave your momma a big kiss on the cheek before falling back to sleep, having a good dream this time.


You laughed as you saw Steven fall on his butt. Your eyes wandered around the unfamiliar place that you sat at, but you saw your mother so you felt safe but also....worried.

You shook your head as your body walked itself towards your mother who was fighting another version of herself while talking to Steven. While they spoke, they place got darker and more ominous as the seconds went by.

You started to run towards your mother....but you weren't moving. Every step forward was like one step back. You started worrying when the aura around Steven and your mother got darker too.

"MOTHER! HEL-," You stopped in your tracks as you saw a sword pointing right from your mother's chest. You trying running again, but this time you actually ran towards her. Your body automatically stopped a few feet in front of her, tears running down your face as you didn't know what to do.

"(Y-Y/n)! Mother's not wor-," Then a puff of cloud blurred your vision and all you could hear was static. You closed your eyes and fell backwards-

You shot up fast, heart pounding more than it should and your mother running in from her room with a worried look painted on her.

"(Y/n), Honey! Garnet told me that something was going to happen to you so I came as fast as I could!" You ran quickly to her and held onto her legs and looked up to her.

"Mother, how good are you at sword fighting?" Her eyes widen with the random question but went with it. "I fought in the gem war and survived so, exceptional. Why (Y/n)?" You shook you head and ran back to the small bed and pat the spot next to you.

"I just wanted to know how awesome my mother is."


Your eyes opened from the darkness. You tried to stand but all that happened was you falling on your butt. You groaned but finally noticed something. Your legs...your (pants/skirt/shorts/leggings/etc)....your shoes, everything was...different. Your train of thought was cut short by a short scream. You looked in the direction to see a large orange Gem holding onto your mom.

"LEAVE HER ALONE }@$£€&!" The name blurred out while you spoke, but your voice was different too. What was happening? Who was this? The Gem looked up and tsked as your direction.

"More fusion? How weak do you have to be to fusion so willingly to be slightly stronger? It's cheating! You know nothing of real power, just like this defective Amethyst." She gave your mom a sinister grin while she looked away, but quickly back with an angry look.

"Leave them alone. You have me, so fight me!" The orange gem looked at her with a confused look, then with a monstrous grin. "I'll oblige defect."

In front of your eyes, she summoned her weapon and quickly bashed her face into your mom's effectively poofing her.


"YO! LIL' MONSTER WAKE UP!" You we're being shook by someone, but your eyes finally opening. Tears cascading down your face and your mom's worried eyes looking back at you.

"What happened Lil' Monster?....Was it a nightmare?" You nodded your head and shoved your face into the crook of her neck, shaking from every detail your remembered. She didn't know what to do, so she held you close until you calmed down and fell back asleep, making sure you didn't have another nightmare.

a whole week into he new year and this is what i post......disappointing....

but i attempted.

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