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Two months after 'First Words'


"Okay (Y/n), you know what time it is." You smiled up at your tall, squared, mom and raised your hands up at her. She giggled at your adorableness and brought you to the high chair Steven once used.

"Steven, do you mind getting the (f/fruit) baby food for me while I get the bowl?" Steven jumped up and down in excitement and ran to the fridge while your mom got the baby bowl.

"Momma! Momma!" You slammed your chubby hands on the removable table in front if you and she shook her head.

"(Y/n/n), I'm coming with your food, calm down." She ran towards you and Steven handed her the baby food and put it in the bowl.

"Oh! I almost forgot your bib!" She ran and, without using her future vision to see what you would do, you picked up your bowl and smashed it on your head. Once she got back, she saw the mess you've made and crossed her arms while shaking her head and smiling.

"What am I going to do with you?" You laughed very loudly and played with your food while your mom cleaned you up.


Pearl always thought you were a clean baby. Never dirty, because she always washed you. Never cried, since she always made you happy. Etc. etc....

She was so wrong.

"Amethyst! I need to go out and get more baby food for (Y/n), please watch her for me! And be careful!" Your mom walked out the door and you looked up at your Aunt Amethyst.

"Hey little one, how about we play outside?" You started clapping your hands and giggling as she picked you up and walked out the door with you.

What you, and your mother, didn't know was, Amethyst was going to let you play in a mud puddle. Once she found one, she sat you in it.

"Haha! You look cute (Y/n)!" What Amethyst didn't know was your mother was walking by and heard your name, and your laugh. She started walking towards the source of the sound and gasped. There was you covered, head to toe, in mud and a frightened Amethyst.



We all knew Amethyst was a dirt gem. Like seriously, her room is full of junk! But one thing she always clean, was her precious baby (Y/n).

"(Y/n/n), hold still, you need your bath!" Your momma was holding a big sponge and washing your body. You never really liked baths, just like mom.

"No!" You yelled and splashed water in her face and it temporarily blinded her.

She yelled while trying to wipe her face and you made your grand escape. You ran out of the bathroom butt naked and to literally no ones luck, Steven was walking in with Garnet and a pail of mud and sand.

"STEVEN NO!" It was too late and the pail threw the containments inside and onto your body. Everywhere. Your mom ran up to you and shook her head.

"You really take over me, huh?"

Steven Universe Daughter ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now