"Your family, I mean," Effie clarified, giving her a brief glance. "How are they like, beyond the version of them that the public and I see."

"They're. . . nice," Ginny nodded to herself. She never imagined she would end up actually befriending her crush of three years (she's stuck in friendzone, but Ginny would like to think she's not really in Effie's radar yet).


Ginny blushed, "I don't know how to describe them, really. They drive me crazy, they make me feel. . . sane, and well—well they're home, I guess."

"That's nice," Effie murmured. "I guess that's how it must feel to have a family who doesn't worry about you all the time."

Effie noticed the curious look Ginny gave her, and shrugged slightly. "My dad. . . he's always been a large worrier, ever since—ever since my mum left us—" which wasn't exactly a lie, but not the truth either. "—and I nearly died because of a silent asthma attack. He almost didn't want me to start school in Hogwarts."

"Really?" Ginny's brow raise. She doesn't know that anything Effie's telling her now was just an overview of her life that no one but her friends in Slytherin knew.

"Hm," Effie hummed in affirmation. "Dad wanted me where he could keep an eye on me so I don't, well, die on the spot because no one might know what to do with me, or my inhaler runs out or anything."

"That's why the professors have a spare inhaler, don't they?" Ginny concludes. Effie looked at her in surprise, Ginny resists the urge to smile smugly. "I observed, Effie. Especially in your Second Year, where Lockhart nearly let you die because he thought his pride could cure you more than the spare inhaler could."

Effie snorts, "You remember that?" She remembers that particular moment—merlin, when her dad heard about what happened, he had stormed the school and threatened Lockhart so bad that Eleazar nearly tried to replace his spot as DADA professor.

"It was—" Ginny flushed, inwardly cursing her ancestors, when really, she had overheard Ron and Hermione talking about that. "—It was talk. . . a—around the school."

"Wha—really?" Effie furrowed her brows, although relents.

Ginny nodded, "And when Professor Lupin had to run you to the Hospital Wing because he figured it wasn't a simple panic attack because of your boggart."

Effie also remembered that vividly. Her boggart had been her mother in her worst state, and the asthma attack was silent too—the second silent one. She remembers Profes—Remus trying to calm her down because he thought it was a panic attack, but Effie couldn't speak, she couldn't even cough

And blimey, her inhaler had run out that time. She remembers both Pansy and Hermione screeching "she's asthmatic!" and that's when Effie was being rushed to the Hospital Wing.

Effie winced, "That's why I kept a spare one on me now. But. . . " She tilted her head, furrowing her brows. "How—How'd you know about that one?"

Ginny looked like she was about to slap herself, "It was talk. . . in my house."

Okay...? Effie felt skeptical, really—first of all, no one even mentioned that the professors did keep spare inhalers on them; second of all, both times it happened, the professors never seemed to make it seem like they kept spares.

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