Ch 8. filming

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*Dan's POV*
We've set up every thing figured out what we where going to do so I guess it's time to start "hey guys...could we maybe keep the boyfriend thing on the DL...I'm not ready to tell anyone..." Virgil said quietly "me and Phil can do that for you, you told Roman right?" "I will" I think he's very scared of everything and it's really cute not in a Phil's laugh kind of way but in a puppy kind of way. "Phil" I yelled to him as he was getting something from his room. I knew I shouldn't do this but I needed to I needed a hug. Badly I've felt so freaking terrible the past few weeks having to keep this from him. My thoughts being interrupted by his royal sexieness "Yes?" "Can I have a hug?" I said with big puppy dog eyes "of course you can what's wrong?" I guess he must have felt my tears pickle his neck BC he pulled away and wiped them off. "Dan you know I love you right" he doesn't get that I love him too and that's the problem "I love you too Phil...too much" I mumble that last part enough for only us to hear Phil then wraps his other hand around my waist and pulls me on for a kiss.

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