Twenty Seven

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Shramya paused in mid step as she caught the expression on the stranger's face as he lay down on the sofa, looking at Karan's photo hung on the wall.

And there was no mistaking that expression. It was one of instant recognition followed by a sense of purpose.

This man was one of them.

All her momentary infatuation was disappearing at a rapid pace.

The voice of Yash brought her back to the present.

"There you are! Bring it to me, quick!"

Shramya started and handed the ice over to Yash. Some of it slipped from her hands and melted into the floor.

She looked down and then at Yash.

"More ice."

Yash nodded and she hurried off.

He then slowly began to apply the ice onto his wounds. The man looked thankfully at Yash. Even Yash now managed a smile at the stranger.

The man struggled a bit and sat up. Yash looked quizzically at him.

"Can't it wait?"

"Nope, a bit urgent." he said sheepishly.

Yash nodded and helped the man reach to his phone. He thanked Yash, dialed a number, and held the phone to his ears. Yash waited for a moment and then continued applying ice onto the wound.

Apparently the receiver was not picking up the phone. The man looked a bit irritable for a moment and cut the phone.

Almost immediately, his phone began to ring. The person was calling back.

And the ring tone was an old song.

Yash smiled and said,

"Even I have an old song for a ring tone!"

The man's expression was one of amusement. He nodded and was about to pick up his phone when Shramya appeared with a ceramic bowl that held ice.

For some reason, the man paused and looked at Shramya. He did not pick up his phone.

Shramya strode towards the man and ignoring his feet where the injury was, went straight towards his upper torso.

And she smashed the bowl onto his head.

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