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Yash was struggling with his love for old songs, and his phone. The latter, much more so.

He had a love for old melodies that could neither by satiated nor explained. Like many people who were orthodox minded, he felt that today's songs lacked the genuine music and finesse that tunes composed in yesteryears held.

Not long back, he had been introduced to the world of smart phones after much pestering from Shramya. He had gone for the most basic model possible for both financial and technical reasons. To be frank, for Yash, the small device was no love at first sight. He could not fathom the lure that it held for most of the world. More than a utility device, it seemed like a fancy toy for rich kids. And he was neither rich, nor a kid anymore to play with a fancy toy.

But today, the device had given him a reason to justify its purchase. The silver lining in the dark cloud had finally arrived.

Years of using the landline had led Yash to believe that the sound that intimated you of any incoming call was the omnipresent and sporadic tring-tring noise. But today, he had discovered that ring tones could be changed to one's liking. And a world full of possibilities had opened up, with his love for old melodies being revisited.

Now Yash wanted to set the ring tone of his phone to a particular old song he really liked. And so far, so bad.

He was failing miserably.

Finally fed up, he turned to Karan, the only other inhabitant of the house at the moment. Shramya had not yet returned from the bank.

"Hey, help me, will you?" called out Yash.

No response.


Still no response.

"Oyi! What's the matter with you?"

The slightly raised voice finally snapped Karan out of his daydream. Yash was about to smile in amusement when he noticed the the daydream was far from casual.

For once, his younger brother looked genuinely concerned about something in life.

"What's the matter? You okay?" asked Yash with a note of concern creeping into his tone.

Karan shrugged as if to dispel his dream and assumed his original demeanor again,

"Yeah I'm fine! You want something?"

Yash frowned for a moment, sizing up Karan. Then imitating his brother's shrug, he said,

"Yeah. I need help setting the ring tone."

Karan grimaced as he said, "Ask Super-Shramya. She'll do it for you. Ah, look. Speak of the.. Angel I suppose. And there she is."

Shramya entered the house with shock visible on her face.

Yash frowned for the second time.

"Shramya, what's the matter?"

There was no response.

"Hey, you okay?"

No response again. Yash felt as if he was experiencing Deja Vu.


And she snapped out of her own daydream too.

"Yash.." she began weakly, "our account shows a balance of 10 crores."

Yash reeled back in shock. It was amount he had not even heard in game shows.

Even Karan gasped out of character. Then he oddly and rather quickly exited the household.

Through all his shock, Yash was able to see the panic on the face of his younger brother. Something had decidedly gone very wrong.

What was the matter with his family today?

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