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The first thought that occurred to Shramya when they reached the place was - why would Karan come to such a place at all?

It was a forsaken structure, crumbling with each passing day, in some place on the outskirts. For that matter, why would anyone come here?

She knew that Karan was by no means a person who would hang out with the good sort. But she sure hoped that the bad sort wasn't too bad. For this place did give her the chills. There was something in the air that didn't feel right. There was a sense of foreboding that she felt upon entering this place.

Beside her, Yash wasn't looking too comfortable himself either. The strangeness of the air was probably getting to him too.

"Do we call out to him?" whispered Yash seeming unsure.

Though it should have been the obvious and primary course of action, Shramya understood his predicament. It just didn't feel right to say anything in a volume more than a whisper out here. Shouting was out of question.

After a momentary pause for consideration, Shramya said, "Let's just split up and look for him. And.. Be careful. Something about this place isn't right."

Yash nodded and went towards the left side. Shramya watched him until he disappeared behind a wall and then she started too.

The place was filled with old barrel drums, metallic trash and wooden boxes. It seemed like the perfect hideout of a gang that dealt in drugs and ammunition. Why, the setting even communicated that it probably was one. With that thought in mind, Shramya hurried to find Karan. She had no intentions of staying here a second longer than what was required.

The first moment of panic was fake. She was edging along a wall, her eyes slowly scanning the place for any signs of life. As of yet, she had not found any organisms barring mice. And it was then that she ran into a person.

Almost forgetting that there was supposed to be another person with her here, she shrieked out loud. In reflex, Yash flung his hand at her and Shramya was silenced in an awkward yet unintended slap across her face.

Yash looked sheepishly at her for a moment and muttered, "Sorry."

Shramya shook her head to convey that he needn't be. Yash looked at her in an amused fashion and walked off, shaking his own head as well.

Barely minutes later, Shramya had her second moment of panic.

This time, it was very real.

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