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Madav stood watching the proceedings. It was really sad that two deaths had occurred in their town in such a small span of time. Though he had known neither the persons nor the families of who had died, death in itself was never a pleasant thing.

"Sad, ain't it?" said a passerby who had just moved to stand beside him.

Madav nodded with a grimace. It was, of course very sad.

The stranger seemed to shuffle for a moment, as though considering something. Then he whispered to Madav rather covertly,

"I want you to know something sir. One of these deaths is a murder."

Madav spun around to look at the stranger for the first time. He wore a long over coat and was well built. He had an overall professional look about him. It would have been fair to say that he was employed with some sort of police. He had that investigative and authoritative air about him. He looked like he had come straight out of an English sleuth book.

"Who are you and how do you know that?!" countered Madav in a fierce whisper.

"I am with the CID. Have care to not mention that to anyone here. I am, of course, undercover. On a case." With that, he whipped out an ID and showed it to Madav very quickly lest it be spotted by anyone else.

From what Madav knew of anything, the ID looked okay enough. He nodded curtly.

"Good. Now, I want you to tell me anything that you know. Anything that you saw happening that makes you believe that one of these murders could have been made to look like an accident. Anything at all."

Madav frowned, still basking in the self importance that of all people, the investigator had considered him to be worthy of taking into confidence.

He considered the question. Though he badly wanted to, there was nothing he could tell the guy. Why, he didn't even know who the deceased were and how they had died. He had just heard that one was some disease case. The other was maybe some fall from a bike.

He was about to nod in the negative when he considered his own thought.

A fall from a bike.

The lady who had come asking in the morning.

And it all fit like a freshly unwrapped jigsaw puzzle.

Turns out, he now had a lot to tell this man.

"Shall we go for a walk, Mister?" asked Madav slyly.

The man responded with an equally sly grin.

"Please, let us."

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