chapter five

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Chapter Five

I walk to the diner I work at after school so that I can make some money to left and go to New York. It's also the closest place I have to a home, I sign in and went in the kitchen to make uncle Robby know I am there.

He not my uncle but he was my mom's best friend when she was alive, he took care of me more than my dad did and he understands why I want to leave this place. I guess that why he paid me more than he does is normal employees.

"Uncle Robby am here."

" Hey kiddo, how was school."

" Please don't ask."
" That bad?"
"Yep," I said pouting the p. I will be out front ok.

The diner was very busy today so I had to work late to help out Uncle Robby. By the time I left, I was exhausted. I walk home since it was not that far from my house. The light was off so I don't have to face that man right now because I don't have the strength.

" Ohhhh!" I said with a thump on the floor, holding my right cheek because it hurts.

" Where have you been bitch? And where is my dinner? I do not work my butt off to send you to school so that you can go and whore yourself out."

"Am sorry I was getting your favorite meal from uncle Robby's diner, "  I reply.

"Find go and fix me it then and leave from my site," he said.

I fix his meal and went to my room to do my homework. And spent the next half an hour crying ,why had my mom had to leave me alone here, why didn't she fight to stay? Why hadn't those damn rouge taken then monster instead of my mom,I taught as I turn my face to the moon and cry myself to sleep.

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