"Yeah?" Kook set Jimin back on his feet.

"Mhm," Jimin blushed and started tracing the Human's collarbone, "So...I...thought I was pregnant."

"Oh," Jung's face fell, "Are you?"

"No, just...turns out my pills are suppressing my hormones too much and I need to stop taking them for a while."

"Oh, but what about your heat? Wasn't it supposed to start around this week?"

"It was supposed to come last week, but it didn't so I got worried because...I haven't exactly encouraged using condoms," he giggled softly.

Jungkook laughed and clasped his fingers together behind Jimin's back. "So is it not gonna come?"

"No, it will, but...it's gonna be stronger than I initially told you since I won't have suppressants in my system."

"Oh, okay well that shouldn't be too bad."

"Yeah...there's some rules we have to go over for natural heats," Jimin smirked.

"Aw really?" Kook whined.


It was four a.m. on Tuesday when Jungkook woke up to the sound of Jimin purring in his ear and the feel of the Hybrid's tail against his arm.

At first he just rolled over and told Jimin to stop playing, but then a strangled moan left Jimin's throat and Jung lifted his head.

He blinked a few times before he could see Jimin a bit clearer. His boyfriend was completely naked and sweating, hair matted to his forehead.

The Human sat up quickly and pulled Jimin to lay down while he grabbed condoms.

Rule 1: No cumming inside.

He hated it, but was aware he and Jimin weren't ready for kids.

"Jungkook," Jimin purred, arching his back slightly and clawing at the Human's t-shirt.

"I know, Hyung," Jungkook breathed out, a bit overwhelmed and tired at such an early time.

"It hurts, Jungkook," Jimin suddenly let out a short sob.

"Hurts? What hurts?"

"My belly. Feels like," Jimin cut himself off and rolled to his side in order to hold his stomach and growl.

"Babe," Jungkook reached up and grabbed Jimin's arm, rolling him to his back again. "I'll take care of you, okay? I got you."

"Okay," Jimin nodded.

Jungkook sighed and reached over to the nightstand to dig through the top drawer. He pulled out Jimin's fake knot and pressed the button to make sure the batteries were good.

Rule 2: Omega's like to feel an Alpha's knot.

Jung was a bit upset at first when he was told his dick wasn't cool because his base didn't latch on to Jimin's insides. But he shrugged it off and accepted the fact that it didn't matter. Jimin loves him more than any alpha Hybrid on the planet, so humph!

"Jungkook," Jimin gasped and arched his body off the bed.

"I know, Hyung." The younger smiled and leaned in to press kisses to Jimin's chest.

The Hybrid purred and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck. His hips started bucking up against the taller male's and Jungkook returned the movement.

Jimin almost growled as his hands fell down to Kook's back and he sunk his nails into the Human's flesh. Jung grunted and his left hand fell to grip the Hybrid's waist.

"Oh!" Jimin moaned and dropped his head back, his nails holding Jungkook in place over him. "Breed me," he gasped.

Rule 3: Don't listen to a hormone-crazed Jimin.

"Ji," the human sighed out then sniffed. He managed to push Jimin's thighs up and rest them on top of his own.

"Jungkook," the Hybrid groaned, "Jungkook, Jungkook."

"I'm here, Hyung," the Human whispered, pressing wet kisses against the smaller's neck.

"Breed me," Jimin begged. His eyes opened and he looked pleadingly into his love's eyes.

"Okay Hyung," Jungkook smiled and let his hands slide up the Hybrid's thighs.

Jimin pulled his hands away from the taller, resting them above his head and watching as Jungkook pulled his shirt off. At the sight of Jungkook's chest, the Omega whined.

Jungkook chuckled and dropped his shirt in the floor. "You told me it'd be best not to wear clothes for the sake of my wardrobe. Now I'm starting to think that it was for you."

The Hybrid growled and wiggled slightly, bringing his knees up so that his toes could pull at Kook's waist band.

Another chuckle made Jimin giggle and Jungkook moved back to take off his pants.

Jimin was on his knees in seconds, crawling towards the Human and pushing his clothes in the floor as they came off.

Jungkook smiled at him, but Jimin smirked.

The Hybrid pounced and pushed Kook to lay down, resting his hips on the taller's stomach.

"Hyung," Kook chuckled, his hands gripping Jimin's ass. His fingers slipped around and he smirked. "That's a lot of slick, Hyung."

The Omega growled and leaned down, biting into Kook's neck. "Mate," he whispered into the taller's ear.

Jungkook paused before he wrapped his arms around Jimin's back. He wasn't ready to hear that.

He studied Hybrid anatomy. Within that, he learned of their culture and hormones and pheramones. He learned what scenting was- what it meant. He learned what mating meant to Hybrids.

He couldn't mark Jimin....Jimin would never officially be his.

Yet, he didn't mind the idea of being branded Jimin's. It's not like he'd met anyone else that made him feel every emotion at once. Not even Hoseok could do that.

Jungkook was sure Jimin was his true love, so being marked was a step he was willing to take.

"Yeah," Jungkook smiled, bringing his eyes to meet Jimin's. "I'm your mate."

Jimin purred and smirked, then slid down so he could comfortably tuck his head into Jungkook's neck.

The taller let his hands travel up Jimin's back, well aware he was spreading slick everywhere. Then he suddenly remembered the rules and reached for a condom.

Yet, Jimin pinned his arm down and growled out, "Breed."

Kook smiled and relaxed himself, "Of course, Jimin. Anything for my Omega."

Homeless, Not Hopeless (JiKook)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin