"Hi, I'm Hermione. It's lovely to meet you, how does it feel to finally use magic! I remember how excited I was. I mean, I know you can't use it yet outside of school, because we're not 17, but you must have at least tried a little bit! Maybe I could help!" The girl with the curly light brown hair said to me, she was really pretty, you could tell the boys liked her, she was stunning. And she seemed incredibly smart too!

"Hello. Actually, I only found out today, a few hours ago. I still don't quite believe, it's just so over whelming. I have my wand with me, I haven't tried anything yet but I'd love for you to help me before we go back to school." I smile back to her, I feel like we're going to be really good friends.

"Yay! I would love to, it would give us a great chance to get to know each other. Anyway! This is Harry," She pointed to the boy Molly was talking to earlier, "and this is Ron."

I smile and wave at them both, Ron had ginger hair like Molly and the others, he was quite tall and adorable in his own way.

"So, how old are you all?" I say.

"14." Says the dark haired boy, Harry "Actually, today's my birthday."

"Really?" I say, "me too!"

"How odd." Hermione says thinking to herself. She's a pretty, smart, kind girl. But very weird.


"Leave the girl alone."

"We haven't had a chance to say anything yet!"

Suddenly appeared two very alike looking boys, clearly older than me and also clearly twins.

"I'm Fred." Said thing 1.

"And I'm George." Said thing 2.

"Wait no I'm George!" 1

"That must mean I'm Fred." 2

"Or am I Fred?"1

"Then surely I'm George."2

"How hard can it be which one are you?" They are giving me a headache, this I can not be dealing with.

"Jhe, I like her." 1

"Feisty one you are!"2

Okay, so I decide thing 1 is Fred, thing 2 is George. I also decided that despite them being slightly humorous they were also incredibly annoying, something I do not intend on dealing with today.

"Wow, Imogen. What's that on your wrist?" Ron says pointing down on the scar I received from when I was a baby, it was rather ugly, I don't like talking about it. I'm not even sure how I got it, but it was definitely something I wish I knew how to hide.

"Oh that, that's nothing, don't worry." I fake a smile and bring my arm close to my side, trying to cover it but failing since I had a sleeveless top on.

"Are you sure? It doesn't look like nothing." Hermione says grasping my arm. "Woah."

After taking a longer and closer look at the scar something must of came to mind, because her eyes lit up and she just took off upstairs, dragging everyone else with her, other than Harry.

"Strange." He said, that's when I noticed the scar on his head, a scar matching mine own. We share the same birthday and injuries. And Mrs Weasley said she wanted to speak with us both, there clearly must be something going on. I'm not sure what it could be, considering I've just been told I'm a witch, so I'm not even going to try narrowing down the possibilities.

I held up my wrist to Harry, so he could also see the horrific design, for his reaction to be almost the exact same as mine, clueless.

But at least we are alone now, so Mrs Weasley can tell us what she wanted to talk to us about.

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