Chapter 24

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I finally put the last present under the tree. Me and peter had to go out and grab more when we heard that the other avengers where coming. So tony gave us a list! We got antman a sweater that said "there's no ants in my pants."  It's funny Okay? And we decided to get Sam matching a shirt that said "my feathers aren't in a twist." We got Vision and Wanda a cookbook, I heard they where into cooking with each other. Sadly it wasn't the meme one... I tried but peter said they probably wouldn't like it... The elevator dings open and a snow covered Bucky walks in. "What happened to you?" "Sam and Scott are jerks." He says, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a hot chocolate packet. "I'm just not going to ask." "Good idea." He says, dumping the packet into a mug. "Do I use milk or water for this?" "Ether one. It's tastes better with milk though." I say. He nods and pours hot water into it, probably for convenience.... I hope.

I shuffle back into my room, my leg has almost healed enough to be able to go without a cast. Of course I'm stubborn so I'm doing it now. I wonder where everybody is, I know tony went out for a meeting. And I think Natasha and Clint went out on a mission... but then where's Cap, Bruce, Thor? "Oh yea!" I face palm, Thor went back to Asgard, looking for his father or something. Bruce went and helped. Said he wanted to learn about the Asgardian culture. My phone rings and I hop onto my bed. "Wassup?" I ask. "Hey greenie. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out in the park." Ethan says. "Sure! Where do you wanna meet?" I ask. "Let's meet at Ben and mays." He says. "Ok, Be there as soon as I can." I say. "Ok." I notice a hint of uncertainness in his voice as he hangs up. "Wonder what that's about?" I mumble. I shrug and get dressed, I wear baggy pants and fold them above my cast. I grab my favorite constellation hoodie, a beanie to hide my hair, and a scarf. I grab my crutches and a wallet. I phase of the wall and invisible float out to an empty alleyway. There's a huge crowd around the avengers tower door. No way I'm walking through that. Using my crutches, because peter would scold me if I didn't. I hobble up to Ben&Mays. I notice Ethan out side. I go up to him, "hi!" I smile. "Oh god what did you do?" He asks. "My brother thought I should learn how to skateboard." I lie, shrugging. He giggles, "i would imagine learning to skate when there's snow everywhere would end up in an injury." "Yea. We aren't the smartest." I laugh. I didn't think about the snow. Probably need to be more careful next time.

We walk to the park. There's Christmas decorations everywhere. Ethan runs a ahead. "Whoa! Look at this!" He says. As I walk up a ball of snow hits my face.

"What. Did you just?" "Yep." He smiles. "Your lucky my legs broken. Im the snowball fight champion of my family." I say. "I'll believe it when I see it." He says, "After you get that cast off." "Fine. But you will regret challenging me." I joke. "Suuuure." He laughs. His breath visible in the brisk air. He breaths out some steam and laughs, "hey look I'm Danny Phantom." He jokes. I breath out some as well, "Oh wow. What a coincidence!" I joke. We both laugh, until there's a crash behind us. WASN'T A BREATH REPEAT THAT WAS GHOST SENSE. I grab Ethan and pull us behind a tree. I peak my head out from the tree, looking at who it was. "I AM THE ALL POWERFUL BOX GHOST." Really dude? I turn back, Ethan is hawking at me. "What?" I ask. I notice my Snow White hair fall onto my face, and my Cotten beanie in his hands. "Shiiiit." "Your Phantom." He breaths. "No I'm not- err fine screw it." I say, Transforming. I then realize my ghost half is still in pjs. "Oh yea, my suits still fried." I shrug and float up to boxy. "Ghost child! You won't defeat me this time-" I suck him into the thermos. "Just stay in the ghost zone next time." I sigh.

I can't believe found out my secret over this. I knew eventually he'd find out. But over the box ghost! Really? A crowd forms around me. I turn invisible, they search for me. I float over the Ethan. "Ethan. Pretend your getting a call." I whisper. He jumps at the sound of my voice. "Danny? Where-" "just do it. You won't look crazy when we talk." I say. He holds his phone to his ear like he's talking to someone. "Greenie what the heck? Where are you?" He asks. "Invisible. I'm still right next to you. Let's just go away from the crowd" I explain. "Oh my god, I still can't believe That you're- you know." He says. "I'm sorry you had to find out that way....Let's take this somewhere more private. While I might be invisible, people can still hear my voice." I Look around, no one awake was here. There was of course a man sleeping on the bench. Poor guy, it must be freezing. I grab Ethan's hand turning the both of us invisible, "Danny all you did was grab my haaand-" I lift him up. "Danny someone is going to see!" He says. I hold him bridle style, "It's fine. I can make other people invisible if I have contact with them." I explain. "Really?" "Yep." I fly us up to a roof, placing Ethan down, then dropping my invisibility. "That is so cool." Ethan says, I shrug in response.

I transform back and plop next to him. Rubbing the back of my neck, "sooo." I awkwardly say, "Yea..." "Your my hero." He says. "I mean! Your a hero! That's so cool." He says. I blush, "Yea. It's less cool when your getting your ass kicked but, Yea." "Well Yea. Speaking of that. Why did he want you, but also want... you?" Ethan asks. "I'm guessing he knew. He knows Spider-Man's identity, so he probably figured out mine easily." I frown, "Man people in New York are a lot smarter then they where in amity." "Yea.. I mean amity is a lot smaller. The more space, the room for smart people." "Yea." I sigh. "So what questions do you have." "Why is your white hair and green eyes? My friend showed me a old picture of you and you had black and blue?" He asks. "I visited the ghost zone and will their someone did a prank that made me look my ghost form. Now that I think about it, it should fade soon." I say. "Ghost zone?" He asks. I pull out the small device Vlad gave me and open a portal. "Thats the ghost zone. It's a parallel dimension where all the ghosts come from." I explain. I release boxy into the ghost zone and close the portal. "Coool!" Ethan says. "Yea. It kinda is. But it is quite dangerous, you can never know who you'll run into." I say. We sit down. "I'm surprised your taking this do well." I say. "I already had a hunch. So it's still surprising... but not as much. When I heard you hurt your leg my mind just naturally thought about how phantom hurt his leg. I passed it off as a hunch. Until my friend read my texts and showed me an old picture of you." He explains. "Is your friend Batman or something?" I joke. "Their name is actually Robin. Actually I think he used to work with your brother on an assignment." He adds.

"Curly hair? Gray eyes?" I ask. "Yep. Wait, if your phantom does that mean your brother is Spiderman?!" He asks. "Yea... Just, don't tell anyone about him, or me. As much as I've been failing, we're trying to keep it a secret." I say. "Sorry." "It's not your fault." "Sooo... by chance will you sign this?"He hands a very well drawn picture of me. "What?" "My sister is a mega fan, so I drew this for her. I was hoping maybe you could sign it for her." "Uhhh..." I say puzzled why someone would want my autograph. He gives me the puppy's eyes. "Okay? This feels really weird." I say, realizing that will I was popular in amity, New York freaking loves me... why? I don't get it. I'm just a kid helping out his brother and trying not to fully die.

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