Chapter 5

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I turn intangibility as Thor flys through us. He looks at me in confusion. I yelp and dive down. Turning invisible once again and passing by the crowded sidewalk. "Do you think we lost them?" Peter asks. "I don't know." I say looking back, I see Ironman fly down by us. "I don't see them anywhere." He says, "I'm going back to the tower. I need to get an intern." I let out a sigh of relief when he soars back to the tower and fly us home. we stumble into our bedroom. "Quickly get out of your suit and change. We have to get rid of the tracker." I say. "I already did." Peter says. "Oh thank god." I sigh, changing back. "How are we going to tell aunt May?" Peter says. "Tell me what?" Aunt May leans on the door. "Hi aunt may." I wave. "What happened out there?" She asked worried. "We May have meet the avengers." Peter says carefully. "And they tried to get us to join. But we didn't want to. And apparently this guy who's the leader of this agency said that they had to no matter what."

"We fought the avengers Ok! And we escaped but there going to come after us again and again." I let out. She blinked, "oh my god. You what?" She asked. "We fought the avengers. While technically ran away while they tried to capture us but still" "oh my god. That's it. Peter you can't patrol without danny. And Danny if you go out as phantom you must be careful. Stay as far away from the avengers as possible. I can handle some dangerous vigilance, but not saving the world dangerous." She says. I nod. "Why does he get to go out by himself?" Peter asks. "Three words. Intangibility and invisibility." I said. "Oh yea." He realizes, "Ok Fine." He says tapping the spider symbol on his suit. He throws on a shirt and sweatpants. "Things are only going to get harder aren't they?" I ask. Aunt May hugs us, "I'm afraid so. The one question I have is why would you not want to join the avengers? Not that I want you to." She says sternly, taking a sip front m her Spiderman mug. Peter sighs, "it's just to much. The avengers have fought off aliens before. They have already lived most their life, But we haven't yet. Not to mention we are extremely inexperienced. Lots of people could get killed if we mess up, Including us."

"Technically I've lived out my life. Because I'm half dead." I say. Aunt May rolls her eyes. "It's nice to know your using that head of yours." The door bell rings, "I'll get it. You two should call Ned." She walks out. Peter pulls out his phone when we hear the shattering of a mug. We race out, ready for anything. "Aunt May what was that!" I ask, worried. "Sorry about that I didn't mean to surprise you. I came to talk to Peter Parker." Tony freaking stark says. "Your Tony Stark." Peter gasps. "Yes I am. And you are Peter Parker I assume?" I nod, "I noticed that while you worked with the bugle the Science and research you added to their articles was quite impressive. I was surprised that your understand half the things you wrote about. So I looked up your grades and thought that maybe you could be my intern. How does it sound kid? You might even be able to meet the avengers." He said. "Holy fuck." I said. "Language." Aunt May Scolded. "YES!" Peter says excitedly, forgetting the fact that he was literally chasing us a few minutes ago.i try not to glare at him as Tony smiles, "Ok. I'll call you on your first day to remind you. So don't keep your phone on silent." "Will do sir." "Alright. Stay safe kids. And sorry about your mug." He left, closing the door. "I'm going to call Ned. This, this is crazy." He slowly realizes what he just agreed to. "I'm going on a flight. I need to clear my head." I tell aunt May. "Be careful." Aunt May sighs. I nodded.

I transform and slip through the door, turning invisible. I fly up to a building I don't know the name of, admiring the view. "So, how's it going?" I jump up in surprise. "Calm down kid. I'm not with the others. This isn't about shield, I have some questions." I raise an eyebrow at the Star clad man. "Okay?" "How young where you when you, passed on?" He said. "..... I was 14." I answer, telling a semi truth. He looks at me shocked. "That's, really young." "I only know one ghost who died younger than me. And he's tried kicking my butt. So don't feel to bad. We may be dead. But most of us still cling onto our humanity." I say. I sigh and a blue mist comes out. Shit. I look around. "What was that?" He asks. "I can't explain, but it's not good. We aren't alone." A familiar figure steps out from the shadows. "It's good to see you ghost child." "Skulker?!" I yelp. He laughs. "Maybe it's finally time I'll have your pelt on my wall." He brings out a bazooka. "Dude not cool!" I dodge a thing. "Get out of here captian!" I yell. Shooting an ectoblast at skulker. I fly up and lead skulker out of the busy city. "Hey flame head! Why don't you chill out!" I say, freezing ice around his mechanical. "I will kill you this time halfa!" He curses as his wings heat up and melt the ice. What? How? I ponder dodging his blasts. I shoot another ectoblast at him. This knocks him back a bit.

"I've upgraded my armor quite a bit halfa." He says. I round house kick him in the face. "You should upgrade your personality instead." I say. Suddenly a shield flys past me and hits skulker in the face. I turn around to see the avengers. "Get out of here!" I yell. Skulker throws a net at me while I'm distracted. "Really skulker! Come on that is low." I say. "A hunter does anything to catch its prey." He responds, "Please never say that again. It's creepy and weird." I repond. "It won't matter for I have finally captured you!" He said, "because i, skulker is the ghost zones best hunter!" "Yea keep telling your self that." I roll my eyes. I create a bubble like shield around me and expand it to break the net. Skulker of course didn't notice because he was rambling. I form a block of ice around my fist. "Hey metal head. Why don't you chill out!" I quip, punching him in the face. He falls and crashes onto the ground.

I freeze him to the ground, luckily he stays there. I float down. "You guys don't know when to let someone deal with their owns problems huh?" I ask the avengers. "No, no we don't." Iron man says. "Where's Spiderman?" Captain America asks. "He's at home. I went for a little flight before I was rudely interrupted by the ghost zones worst hunter." I say, "home? You have a home?" Clint says. "Well I can't stay in the ghost zone. Half the people their want me to kick the bucket, again." I say, confused. Skulker growls, "I'm still here you know! Oh when I get out of here your going to pay halfa!" "I know I know. Bla bla bla Your the greatest hunter that cant seem to catch a kid like me. I've seen and heard it all before." I sigh. "Skulker how did you even in New York?Last time I checked the isn't any manmade portals working and there isn't any natural in new york." I ask.

He doesn't say anything. "It's on your suit isn't it?" I sigh. He slowly nods. "You rely on that to much." I sigh. "Open up a portal and go back." "Why should I listen to you?" He asks. "I'll tell your girlfriend." I threaten. He gasps, "you wouldn't dare." "Oh yes I would. Now get you butt back in the ghost zone." I say. He opens a portal and I melt the ice to let him through. He grumbles as he walks through. I sigh, "one weekend. I just one weekend without this superhero madness." Suddenly I'm tackled by someone. A familiar belt is placed around my waist. "Oh you kidding me?" I ask.

This isn't relevant to the plot of phantom and his spider palWhere stories live. Discover now