Chapter 12

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In a hour or two, I lost count. I ended up at vlads house. I release him from the thermos. "Why did you put me in that horrendous thing?" Vlad asks. "It was the the only way I could get you home and still talk. Now, I doubt the avengers will give out your identity. But they'll keep you on a close watch. So no funny business." I say. He nods, "Okay. And I leave you alone. But I at least get to be like your uncle. And whenever your passing by you'll stop by. I'll teach you some things. Deal?" He asks. "Deal." I say, we shake on it. "An Here." He passes me this tool with a button on it. "It will open a portal to the ghost zone, that way you don't have go all the way to amity." He says. "Thanks!" I smile. "You know your not to bad when your trying to make me evil." "Your obsession wouldn't let you, unfortunately. at least I'll help you." He says. "Thanks. Bye Vlad!" I say, flying away. I quickly fly back, a weight lifted of my chest. At least Vlad won't ruin my life anymore!

I fly back to New York. Doing tricks in the air. In no time I land in the big city. I float through the air. Looking for peter, well. Technically Spiderman. I notice him on a roof. I float down in front of him, invisible of course. "Boo!" I say, going visible. He screeches and jumps back. "Danny!" He pouts. "That's Revenge for getting the top bunk." I smirk. "Very funny. So how did the deal go down?" "It went down surprisingly well. The bad part is that whenever I'm in town I have to visit him. But hey, at least he isn't trying to make me evil. I think he finally realized that with my obsession, making me evil, without the use of mind control, would be very hard." I smile. "About Time!" He cheers. I smile and sit down next to him. "Is their anything you miss about amity?" Peter asks. I raise an eyebrows the sudden question. "Well, there is something. It wasn't the big city New York is. So their wasn't as much light pollution. You could actually see the stars." I smile, Remembering amity's beautiful night sky.

"Some times I wish that their was a national space holiday that for one night, everyone would turn off their lights and look up at the night sky." I sigh. "That would be pretty cool. Especially for a space nerd like you." Peter jokes, I laugh. "Im not even going to disagree. It would be awesome to work with NASA and someday get to see the stars up close." My smile fades. "That's impossible now. With all the bad grades I got from being to busy with ghosts... and not to mention that I'm not even a full human anymore." I look down. I shake away the thoughts. "It's fine. I wouldn't give this up. Even if I could." "I know how that feels." Peter says, trying to lighten the mood. I laugh, "it's the life of a teenage vigilante." Peter laughs, "I guess it is." We stay quite for a few more seconds. I stand up, "Welp, we should probably head home." I stretch. "Yea, you guys probably should." Hawk eye says stepping from the shadows. I jump up and nearly crash into peter. "Dude! You nearly gave me a heart attack! And I don't even have a pulse in this form!" I say. "Jeez calm down space boy." He jokes. "I haven't been given orders to attack, just to eavesdrop." He says.

"Then I guess we're going to go. Good bye. And have a nice night." Peter says. I hold onto him and we turn invisible and intangible. "I wish I could just swing away. But that's to dangerous." Peter mumbles. "It's fine." I say, we land in an alleyway and change back. "And now to head home. And hopefully not get discovered." Peter sighs "yay" I laugh. "We can do this. We just have to last until Aunt May wakes up." I say. I quickly realize that I shouldn't have said that. Because Aunt May might not wake up at all. "Let's just, go." Peter sigh. "Yea." I agree. We walk out and head back to the tower. With some confusion we manage to make our way back up to the communal floor. We walk out. "We know how hard it was to find the way up?" I ask tony. Tony shrugs. "You'll get used to it." He says. "Where's Katniss?" Peter asks. "He went out to spy on phantom and spider-kid. He should be back soon." Tony answers. Ignoring the dirty looks I was giving him. Suddenly Clint falls out of the vents. I scream and jump onto peter. "Dude! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I say. He rolls his eyes, "Hey phantom said the same thing when I spooked him. Expect he made a joke about him not having a pulse in that form." I glare at him.

"So, what did you get?" "He loves space. He's a space nerd. He wanted to work for NASA but can't because he has low grades from ghost hunting. And he's not fully human. He seemed sad at that part. So I'm guessing he was in an accident and it can't be reversed." Tony nods. "Cool. If he joins we might have another science bro!" Tony smiles. "The best part. He said about wishing their was a national space holiday. Where one night everyone turns off their lights to see the stars. So, if the current plan doesn't work. We could always do somethings like that. Set up the holiday and will there hanging out on a roof top. Catch them by surprise!" "Good thinking. We should probably order some dinner. It's getting late. Hey boys what do you want?" Tony asks. I bite back a snarky comment about leaving Phantom alone. "Pizza?" Peter shrugs. "Cool. I'm in the mood for a milk shake. I think I'll get milk shakes as well." Tony adds. "I'll get chocolate." I shrug, "Can I get that as well!" Peter says excitedly. "Sure." Tony shrugs. "Yes!" Peter cheers. "I haven't had a milkshake in forever!" I roll my eyes. We walk into our room as tony orders.
Natasha pov

I walk in as tony orders food. "I've got the truth serum. Are we going to put it in the boys drinks?" I ask. "I guess. Should we though? Isn't that betraying their trust?" Tony asks. "It was my idea. I'll take the blame. But even if you say we shouldn't do it i still will. We have a job to do." I say, I know it's a bit heartless, but I have orders. At least It won't hurt them.....

This isn't relevant to the plot of phantom and his spider palOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz