Chapter 17

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"What? That's not possible!" I say. "Take a Look, they are!" Steve says. I run into my bathroom and keep the lights off. "Holy shit! What the actual fuck." I freak out. "Maybe it's a side effect of the glitter." I suggest, walking out. this. This has never happened before. "Then why aren't peters eyes glowing?" Clint says. "Do you have something to tell us Danny." Natasha asks Everyone looks at me. "I'm not a halfa. If I was I would have fully died in the first hour. " I lie. "just tell the truth please. The reason we wanted phantom and Spiderman to join is so that we can train them. So if you really are. Just tell the truth." Tony says calmly. "I probably just got some of the magic glitter in my eyes. Let me go wash them out and see." I say leaving the room. I quickly lock the door and begin panicking. This can't be happening. I rinse out my eyes and turn off the lights. They still glow. "God damnit." I curse. "Why can't I just be normal?" I ask. "Danny are you okay?" Peter asks. "Just leave me alone." I yell. "Having trouble?" "It's not coming out!" I say. "My eyes are freaking glowing in the dark. And they won't stop! Yes I'm having trouble!" I yell. I pace around the bathroom. "What's going on? This hasn't ever happened." Suddenly something pops into my head. I open the door, I grab the box that glitter bombed peter. "Its silver." I notice. The glitter that got on me was green. I notice a note, reading I realize what's going on. "Skulker you bitch."

I unlock the door. "Guys! I think I figured out what's going on." I announced. "This is the box that glitter bombed peter. The glitter is silver. When I got glitter bombed it was green." I say. "So the second
g-bomb must have been a backup that wasn't as strong. He's setting something up. There's a note, "be prepared. For the most dangerous game begins." It's cocky and arrogant, but well thought out. No one would suspect glitter. And not many people would get that reference. The most dangerous game was about this guy who gets stuck on an island and meets a hunter, who hunts people. He's planning something. I don't know what. But obviously he's setting something up." I say. "So your eyes don't normally glow?" "No! Why do you think panicking!" I cry. "Ok. That's decent news." Natasha says. "Look. It's getting late. Just. Head to bed and we'll talk about it in the morning." Tony says. "Oh- Okay." I say. I head to my bedroom. I lay in bed, only to toss and turn. But eventually I fell into an uneasy sleep.

( The next morning.)

I groaned and rolled to my side. "Thump!" My side that was apparently on the edge of my bed. I sigh and get up. I walk into the dark bathroom. "Hey my eyes don't glow!" I smile. I turn on the lights. Fuck.

Instead of my normal blue eyes my eyes where the electric green that I had in phantom form. "Okay some weird shit is happening." I mutter. I turn of the lights and walk out. The room was still dark. I noticed a soft green glow coming from the top bunk. I climb up to see what it is. Peter gets up and looks at me. We both scream and I fall of the ladder. "Peter your eyes are glowing!" I yell. "Your eyes are green!" He says. "I noticed! Peter, your eyes are glowing. Just like mine where last night." I said. "That means that the thing is the same. It's just yours was late because it happened later." I say. "Danny. Your eyes... are green.... if they see, there going to figure out your phantom." He says, spelling it out for me. "Fuck." I say. Tony walks in. What's with all the nooooooise...... peter your eyes are glowing." "We've noticed." I sigh. "Hey! And yours aren't! That's interesting. Jarvis turn on the lights." I close my eyes. I blink at the sudden light. Then I close my eyes, pretending that the light blinded me slightly. "Yea. So that must mean that the g-bomb was doing its thing later because he got hit with it later." I say. "I still can't believe thing is happening because of a glitter bomb." Peter says.

"It's very clever. I'll admit. Now tony can you leave we gotta get ready for the day. We're still going Christmas shopping right?" I ask. "Sure. Just, don't go into any dark stores and make sure to were hats." He says, leaving. "Sure thing." I say locking the door. I finally open my eyes. "I'm so screwed." I mutter. "Wait Danny. Can you still, transform?" Peter asks. "Maybe." I Say. I transform. Luckily my ghost half hasn't changed. I de transform. "At least that form hasn't changed." I say. "Just don't look anyone in the eye while we eat breakfast. And let's hope nothing happens." Peter says. I slip on a My usually constellation hoodie, Some jeans and green converse, I grab a beanie. If where going Christmas shopping then I can't go out with Snow White hair. Or glowing green eyes but I don't have a choice with the ladder. Suddenly I cough up a blue mist. "Some ones here." I say. we look out the door. And into the living room from the hallway. From the portal Dora steps out. "I must speak with sir Danny." She says. "Sir? Danny." Tony asks confused. "Dora! What are you doing here?" I ask. She looks at me. "Oh no it's already started. Listen Danny. The so called prank he set is a part of a bigger plan. After the death-day party I say him conversing with spectra and animorph." She warns. "That makes sense. Spectra feeds of emotional distress. So if someone who kinda looked like phantom, started looking a lot like phantom. It would make everyone uneasy. Which is exactly what she wants." I say.

"You must be careful. She often hide in plain site. So you must warn everyone when you see her." Dora says. "Okay just what the heck is going on?" Tony asks. "Spectra, a ghost that feeds of mental distress to make herself look younger. Is the brain behind the plan of the glitter bomb. The only question is how did she learn that I came to stay here. That has to be animorphs doing. He probably shapeshifted into some tiny animal, like a bug." I explain. "Okay. But that doesn't explain why she called you sir Danny." Tony says. "Back On Asgard Only the highest of warriors where addressed that way." Thor says. "I call Danny sir Danny because he has helped overthrow my cruel brothers rule." Dora says, speaking highly of my. I hid my face in my hands, "and I did was tell you that you and your brother where on the same level of power."  "He helped you... overthrow a kingdom..." Clint blinked. "I guess Danny is quite the warrior!" Thor cheers. "No. I'm really not." I say. "Lies you tell yourself. Anyway. I must be going. I just had to warn you of Skulkers intentions." Dora says, Leaving. The avengers stared at me, "all I did add moral support. I don't get why she calls me a warrior." I blush, avoiding eye contact. "I do not doubt you are quite the warrior! dragurs are quite the challenge back on Asgard!" Thor yells. "They not dragurs. There ghosts. Similar concept, different creatures." I say, grabbing cereal.

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