Chapter 23

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Ethan's pov

I look at the news. "This just in, Phantom is Okay! But his leg isn't!" I read the article, "a broken leg. I thought he would have one. Like Danny..." I mutter. "What was that?" Mom asks walking in, tying her black hair into a bun. "Oh nothing. Just reading the news Mom." I say. Mom slips on her shoes and grabs her purse. "Hun I'm going to work. Did you take your meds?" She asks. "Yea." "Okay Good. I'm going to work. Make sure to wake up your father before his work shift starts. Their lunch in the fridge." "Okay. Bye Mom love you!" I say, she walks out. I get up. "I'm just, not going to think about it." I say. "Think about what?" Robin asks. "Robin what the heck! You can't just pop up like that! What if my mom was still in here!" I say. "Jeez calm down. Ninja remember?" They say. Robin is my annoying neighbor/best friend. I've Known them forever, unfortunately they are like a ninja. I'm starting to think they have some type of super power.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. "I wanna hear about your boyfriend." They says. "One Danny's not my boyfriend. Two who told you?" I ask. "Your sis told me." "Damnit ricca." I mutter, "we just meet, that doesn't make us boyfriends." "Your contact for him is greeny with multiple green hearts." "HOW DID YOU GET MY PHONE!" I yell, looking at my back pocket, where it should have been. "Magicians never tell there secrets." They say, reading through my texts. "I like this kid. His description of Pan sexuality is funny." They frowns as he reads the last few texts. "So that kid is the reason the green asshole grabbed me." They mutter. "What are you talking about?" I ask. "I was confused for this kid that the goblin was looking for. Danny fenton, because of my black hair. But quick question, why is his nickname greeny?" They ask. "Because He has these acid green eyes." I say. They raise an eyebrow and shows me a picture, "thats Danny fenton, no green eyes." "That's Definitely him. Where did you get that any way?" I ask. They zoom out, it shows a family all smiling, it had the title, "is amity's Park Ghost hunting family what it really seems?" "I'm also partners with his brother and I meet the guy while working on a project one day, he had black hair and his eyes where a baby blue. So yea, somethings up." They say. I sigh, "I'll meet up with him. I have a theory, and if it's correct, don't panic." I say. "Okay. Looks like you choose a rare guy." They smirk. "Robin Shut up."
Peters pov

"Shit!" Danny curses, putting down the present he was wrapping. "What is it now?" I ask, leaning over the top bunks rail. I already wrapped my part of the presents. "We forgot to tell Ned about everything!" He says. I raise an eyebrow, "I've been keeping caught up." I say. "Wait, you have? When?" He asks. "Almost always after something happened, how have you not noticed?" I ask. He blushes and stammers for an answer. "And I'm the one that gets called clueless." I laugh. "Hey!" He grumbles as goes back to wrapping his last present. I swing my legs over the side and jump down. "I'm going on patrol." I announce. I grab my suit and open the window, "Hey Jarvis?" "Yes peter?" "I'm going on a patrol. Tell that to the others if they ask where I am." I say, jumping out and swinging from the building.
(Btw I know technically Jarvis is Vision. But in this version tony rebuilt Jarvis because I know he can and it's utter bs that he didn't in the movies.) kids pointed up at me and cheered. I smiled, and waved, watching their faces bunch up in joy. I've gotten quite popular somehow.

Crime had risen a tiny bit because of Danny's broken leg, criminals know he won't be able to fight as well. Better step up my a game then! "Peter, your web fluid is getting low. Best you change the cartridge soon." Karen says. "Thanks Karen." I thank the ai. I hear foot steps behind me, but no spider sense. I look back, "oh hi Cap." I wave, seeing who it is. "Hi kid. Heard you were going out on patrol, figured I'd join. Needed some fresh air." "Can you keep up?" I ask. "I'm a super soldier. I can keep up." He says, slightly cocky. I smirk, "Ok then." I leap up and onto the next buildings wall. I crawl the rest of the way up. I smirk, seeing caps defeated face, "Come on! You said you could keep up. Or do I need to help?" I ask. He examines the building, "no, I got this." He says determinedly. He jumps across and goes onto the fire escape, he quickly climbs up using the creaky red metal as a ladder.

"Hi." I wave. "Told you I could make it. Just, maybe not as effective as you can." He says. "I know-" a scream rips through the air. "That's not good." Steve says. "No crap Cap." I say looking over, I look in the alleyway bellow us. "Oh god." I whisper as I see it. "Someone's hurt!" I inform Cap before jumping down. I shoot a web the wall and slide down it. "Haven't your parents told you not to play with knives?" I ask, oh god, there's so much blood. "You better go before you get the same fate." He says cockily. "Only If you can catch me!" I say confidently, hiding the fact that my hands are shaking. Come on Cap. We need to get this person to the hospital! Suddenly as if a prayer was answered, caps shield flew down and knocked the guy out. "Not exactly want I wanted to happen but I'm happy Anyway." I mumble. "Hey Cap, can you call the police!" I ask, while Karen can message tony, she can't exactly call other people. "Will do." He hands me a cloth, where did he get this? "We need to help with the bleeding, put pressure on it." He instructs. I nod, I place the cloth down and very, very carefully apply pressure. "Your going to be okay." I say, reassuring the guy as Cap calls the police.

Police sirens wail as they pick up the guy as rush him to the hospital. "Do you think they'll make it?" I ask. "Of course. There's no need to worry." He says. He notices my shaky hands. "Are you okay?" He asks. I nod, "just worried. I hope he can go back to his family." "That it's?" He asks, I feel kinda like a small child being questioned. It doesn't help he's way taller than me. "Yea, it's just. If he doesn't, then that's one me. Then means I messed up." I say, "You know? Theirs always that fear of messing up. No matter how small the fight, things don't always go as planned. That's worrying, even if it's a drunk mugger. Sometimes People are unpredictable." I say, expecting him to understand. "I've never had that.... there's always casualties in wars, I'm just trying to lessen the numbers as best as I can." He says wisely. "I guess that's true. It's just always terrifying when I find someone injured." I say. "Let's take this to the roofs." I leap up and swing into a roof. "Oh come on." Cap frowns. He walks into the alleyway and makes the long trip up the fire escape.

-half and hour later.——
"Remind me to never play tag with you." Cap Says. "Sure thing." I laugh. He walks over and sits down. Further away from the edge then I am, but still close. I pull of my mask, Enjoying every detail of the New York skyline. "You seem to like high up places. A lot." Cap Says. I nod, "i don't know why, But ever since I got my powers. High places have always helped me think." I shrug. "I've heard a lot of Danny's story. But not yours. So if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to hear." He says. I shrug, "My parents where scientists. But unlike Danny From what I know they never went crazy. They got into a plane crash when I was six." I went in to explain the spider bite, uncle Ben, how we meet Danny, and lastly.... aunt May.

"The last time I visited... she was still asleep. And now I can't visit because of this." I reference my gleaming white hair, and unfortunately green eyes. "I know it will fade. It's just trying to wait. The doctors haven't sent anything...." I say. Hanging around to avengers has taken my mind of Aunt May. But, know... I'm just head with my thoughts, and someone who's willing to listen. "Not to mention what green goblin did to Danny..." I push Danny's screams from my thoughts. He's fine. There's no need to worry. Cap nods, "It's Okay. I understand, it's not everyday you hear your best friend in so much pain." He says, he must be thinking of Bucky. I wonder what Bucky's doing Anyway...
Buckys pov

"This is a bad idea." I say. "I'm sure it'll be fun!" Scott Says. "What could go wrong?" Sam asks. I look down at caps old shield, then at the steep hill. "Fine. But if anything happens you two are at blame." I say. I finish walking up the hill. The snow crunch's as I plop the shield down. I sit on it, holding my self still with my feet. I notice Sam's recording. "Really?" I mutter. I roll my eyes and lift up my feet.

Warning. Bad bad language.

"FUCK OH GOD WHY IS IT SO FAST! OH GOD FUCKING CHRIST! SHIT FUCK OH LORD WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL." I scream. The shield grabs a lot less friction then I thought it would. Aka I was going at unbelievable speeds down this steep hill. I tumble off the sheiks when it hits a bump. I growl as I pull my head out of the snow. I glare at Sam and Scott. Who where both laughing their asses off. "Oh my god. That was hilarious!" Sam cackles. "Did you get that in camera?" Scott asks, sipping away a tear. Sam nods as they walk up to me. "Are you Okay Bucky?" Sam says, stifling a laugh. "You have five seconds to run." I say glare at them. "What?" Scott asks. "Four." "Oh sh-" Scott runs. "I'm outa here!" He grabs his bag containing the antman suit. Sam runs after, "Hey don't leave me!" I chuckle, "I'll have to ask Clint about pranks."

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