Chapter 9

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"Peter calm down. It's going to be fine. We can get through this. Now get off the ceiling before tony comes." I say, trying to get peter off the ceiling. "But what if we don't?" "We will, now get down." I say. He sighs and crawls down. "It's just. Aunt May is in the hospital and he can easily get her. Not to mention the avengers are after us. And I stupidly agreed to be ones intern and got close! It's just to much." He sighs. "It really is. But we have no choice. So let's try our best. If things don't work out completely fine in the end. Well we'll deal with it when it happens." I say. There's a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Peter sighs, standing up. He opens the door, "what happened exactly." Tony asks. "We walked home and went into the kitchen. We found her laying on the floor, passed out. Her heart just barely breathing." I said. "We called 911... they told us that she's in a coma and there's a good possibility that she will wake up." Peter finishes.

Tony sighs, "you poor things." He whispers to himself. "Who did this?" He asks, clearly wanting to put this person in jail. Me and peter looked at each other. He shakes his no, I nod my head yes. "A moment please." I say, pulling peter to the side. "We gotta Tell him the truth." I say. "But. I just can't. It's my problem." He says. "I should resolve it." "It's our problem. And we need help, you can't carry the world on your shoulders." I say. "But-" "no buts it's what May would have wanted." I say. Peter sighs, "Ok." We walk back. "At first, we thought it was a robber. But when we got back and started cleaning. We found a note." I say. "From who? And why would they have done such a thing?" "Harry Osborn." Peter mutters darkly.

"Wait Harry Osborn, the Harry Osborn?" Tony asks. "I used to be best friends with him. Then his dad sent him away to a boarding school. When he came back he told he had contracted a terminal illness. At the time I was working for odds jobs and one of them was a free lance photographer for the daily bugle. I was one of the only people to get clear shots of Spiderman, fun fact. All I did was ask. So he asked me to get in contact with the guy because he believed that his blood would cure him. I told him that it probably wasn't a good idea, but did it anyway. He went and said pretty much the same thing I did and... Harry went mad. He took something, I'm not sure what. And he went insane..... my guess is now that he's out of jail, he wants revenge." Peter says looking down.

"Why would he want revenge on you?" Tony asks. "He- he thinks that Imm.... uh... that I am Spiderman...." he stutters. Tony blinks. "Wow That is really messed up." "Yea..." I say. "I have extremely bad luck. I swear it will get me anywhere." Peter says. "That's it. There's no way I'm just letting you two stay here by yourself when theirs a super villain on the loose that has a vendetta for you. I'll call your agent, pack up where going to the tower." He says. "What?" I question. "It's dangerous for you to be in this house. He could easily break in again. Not to mention, the avengers are trying to capture him. So the fact that you three used to be best friends is extremely helpful." He says.

"One. I was adopted by the parkers last year so This is the first time I've heard about this Harry guy. Second. You just expect us to move in with the freaking avengers?!" I say. "How are we supposed to do the breaks homework?" Peter asks. "You know I would expect kids to be excited to move in with superheroes." Tony says. "I work for one. The amazement dies fast." Peter says. Tony chuckles, "Come on kid. Everything is going to be fine. What could go wrong?" Tony asks. "Anything and everything. Murphy's law should be renamed Parker's law because of how unlucky we are." I say. Tony laughs, "you guys stress to much. Look, I know you think your fine. But a super villain, that is a billionaire and probably associated with hydra, is after you. There's no way I can just leave you two by yourself. Not only am I morally obligated to, but it's my job." Tony says. I sigh, "he's right."

"Wait associated with what?!" I mumble under my breath.

"Ok, But we need to be able to visit this place to meet up with my partner for homework." Peter says. "Deal. I'll call the agents right now. Pack up." Tony says. I roll my eyes, I grab a couple pair of clothes and shove them into my backpack. I grab a few important things. I look at my little emergency bag. The one ran away with. I pull out the Fenton thermos, I practically forgot I had it. I stare at it, and the title it gave me: Danny Phantom, a ghost hunter. "Once a ghost hunter, always a ghost hunter. Even if I don't want to." I mutter, shoving it in my backpack. I push some objects over zip it up. "This, this is really happening." Peter mutters. "I never thought.. I'm such an idiot. I could have helped Harry, I could have prevented this." "Don't you dare blame yourself. Aunt May wouldn't want that." I say. "We need to stay strong, Aunt May isn't dead, even if it feels like it." Peter nods. I smile, "now let's shake rattle and roll." I swing the backpack onto my back. "That's a very light load." Tony says. "I know you may not believe it. But their are these wonderful things called washing machines." I say sarcastically.

Tony laughs, "Nice one kid. Now come on. I called the agent, everything is being taken care of." He says, walking out. "Come on Ghostbuster, lets shake rattle and roll out of here." Peter jokes, I smirk. "Yes, Let's do this Charlottes web."

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