Realization hit Jennie. "Oh...I forgot." She looked around as if expecting to see the supplies lying beside her. "I think I dropped them a little way before I found the lake. They can't be too far."

"Then let's go look for them." Taehyung suggested standing up. "Do you think you can walk?"

"I'll be fine." Jennie said getting to her feet. "As long as I don't have to use this arm anytime soon." She held her injured arm carefully with the other.

The three of them headed in the direction Jennie had come from. They went slowly as to make sure they didn't miss a pack lying around. Ten minutes later a negative idea crossed Jisoo's mind.

"M-Maybe someone else found it."

"Maybe, but I don't think so." Jennie said looking under a bush. She didn't see it so she moved further back. "Ah ha!" She said a minute later holding up a pack of supplies for the other two to see. It was lying on top of a tree stump.

"You found it!" Taehyung cheered.

"Taehyung, be quiet!" Jennie shushed him. "Now let's see what's inside." Unzipping the top she stuck a hand inside and rummaged around.

"Is there any food?" The blonde asked feeling hopeful.

"Surprisingly...yes!" Jennie said pulling out a handful of energy bars and dried meat. "There's also a large knife," she pulled it out and waved it near the others, "And a sleeping bag."

"This will come in handy." Jisoo said holding the sleeping bag.

"Agreed!" Jennie smiled.

It was approaching late afternoon as Rose and Jimin made their way past the desert part of the arena. They were still fleeing from Jihyo. She had been tracking them the better part of the day and by now they were tired and hungry.

Just then Rose fell to her knees in defeat. "Jimin we got to stop."

"We can't stop." He told her. "We only have a few minutes lead on that girl. If we don't keep going she'll catch us and kill us."

"What if we hid in one of those caves?" She asked pointing to the series of caves to their left that were part of the mountain.

The dark-haired boy walked toward one of the caves if only because he needed to keep moving. He stood outside one and tried to look in but it was too dark. Either way he didn't think the cave was very big. Just then he heard something on his right. Turning his head he covered his mouth with his hand to make sure he didn't make a sound.

A rather large wolf was going into the next cave over. Lucky for Jimin it hadn't noticed him. He realized it must be one of the dangers the game masters put in to increase the excitement. As quiet as he could he scurried back over to Rose.

"What is it?" She asked upon seeing the look on his face.

"Wolves," he whispered to her. "There's one in that cave."

"Are you serious? Shit! Now we have to keep going." Rose looked like she couldn't go another step.

"No we don't," Jimin said looking thoughtful. "I have an idea. Give me your shoe."

"What?" Rose asked but the boy had already pulled it off of her left foot. "Hey give that back! What are you going to do?"

Jimin quietly tip-toed back in front of the cave with the wolf and carefully dropped the shoe in front of the cave entrance. He tried to make it look discreet as if it had just fallen off. Then he hurried back to Rose.

"What was that for?" She asked having stood back up.

"I think we can mislead her into giving in one of those caves." He explained. "But it won't work if we're out here in the open. We have to hide. Now."

HUNGER GAMES | BTS, BLACKPINK, GOT7 & TWICEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora