Chapter Thirteen

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In front of the TARDIS stood the little dalek girl from all those months ago. It was if time never passed, she looked the exact same. Ashley held up her sonic screwdriver. "Move and you'll be blown into bits."

The girl smiled and started to laugh. The Doctor and Ashley exchanged looks. What could this mean?

Suddenly, they turned around to see they were surrounded by daleks. What horrible luck they had. But not enough to stop them. Ashley shot the girl and the daleks around them while the Doctor tried to unlock the TARDIS. Meanwhile, the daleks that weren't being shot at were trying to shoot the Doctor and Ashley. Ducking and moving as she shot each one made her look like she underwent training. In which, she did, but was it enough?

It was enough to hold off time until the Doctor unlocked the TARDIS. The Doctor grabbed her wrist and took her into the TARDIS, shutting the door behind them. She looked at him in disbelief. "Why did you do that?? I had them!"

"Yes, you did, but we're safe and that's all that matters."

She grumbled. "No. I had them."

"So, you wanted revenge? Is that really you, dear Ashley? Or is it a dalek?"

Tears swelled in her eyes as she yelled at him, "I am not a dalek!"

"Oh really? Well, you are certainly acting like one."

"Well, maybe that's because I have been seeing nothing but daleks!"

He just rolled his eyes and muttered, "You're just lucky you saw anyone, good or bad."

She stopped her argument to think about what hejust said. Why was he alone for months? 

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