Oh how much I would love to. If I did then every thing would be ruined.

"I wish I could" I admit.

"But?" She raises her brow.

All hell would break loose if I did.

"But his tormenting would never end if I do" I explain.

"What do you have on him?" She softens his voice.

That's the same question Willow asked me that night in the hospital. All my friend's know about Ms Pool, I guess Laura is still out of the loop.

"What makes you think that I have anything on him?" I ask.

"Well you must know something that the rest of us don't....why else would he constantly harass you?" She point out.

I want to tell her everything about Tommy's bet, but I can't. I wouldn't be able to handle the tension and Kyle's harassment if I did.

I sigh. "I really want to tell you-"

"but Kyle's going to be pissed, I get it?" She nods her head.

Sure he would be, but definitely not as much as she will be at Tommy. I can't be responsible for ruining their friendship.

"....no.....you will be" I say at almost a whisper.

"Me?" She widens her eyes in shock.

"there's two reason for Kyle harassing me" I admit "one is something I can't tell anyone or else Kyle could get in trouble....and the second is something involving Tommy-"

"Tommy?" She interrupts.

"Kyle was trying to be a good friend and I screwed it up-" I continue.

"Wait so the thing with Tommy will make me mad?" She asks.

"Yes" I nod. "You deserve to know, you need to know but you'll be mad at Tommy, like really really mad and-"

"don't tell me" she cuts me off.

"what?" I blink.

"if by telling me, it will make me mad at one of my best friends than please don't tell me" she begs.

"but you need to know-" I tell her.

"I don't want to, honestly I don't" she shakes her head.

I can respect that.

"okay" I struggle to comply.

"Emma can i talk to you" a voice requests.

I look up to find Tommy with his sad eyes. I can never say no to him.

".....sure" I hesitantly agree as we walk down the hallway together.

"Friday I found out that my brothers cancer is more aggressive than we thought" Tommy starts "so I went home and drank every bottle that I could find in my dad's liquor cabinet.... then I took off in the limo that he had hired, that was supposed to take him and my mum out for the night...I made a drunken phone call and admitted things I didn't even know that I remembered-"

"Tommy-" I stop in my tracks.

He doesn't need to explain to me. I think I was just over reacting a little. Of course Tommy doesn't mean to cause harm, I could have handled his confession better.

"Everything that I said to you was completely true....we did have a stupid bet...but honestly that bet went out the window the first time that I laid eyes on her....since than I haven't cared about anything other than winning her heart....I'm sorry about Kyle....he can be a dick, but please, please don't tell her about what happened...because if you do....not only will I be losing the love of my life....but I'll be losing my best friend" 

I look into his big sad eyes. God how can I say no to him? So I guess he genuinely likes, or possibly loves Laura.

I place my hand on his cheek before sighing. "Do you love her?"

"More then you know" he admits.

Love is a big step, but who am I to say that he's full of crap. I believe him.

"Fine" I nod "I won't say a thing"

"Thank you" he kisses the back of my hand. "And don't worry about Kyle, I'll handle it"

I nod as he smiles, before beginning to walk away. Handle it how? I hope Tommy gets his happy ending, and if that ending involves Laura then so be it.

"Tommy" I call, causing him to turn and face me "I hope you get her someday"

With that he flashes me a small smile before walking away.

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