Coming back

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Lillian turned around like something was fighting her to stay but she broke threw and turned around,  she ran towards me and hugged me. Her tight embrace made me feel safe, like all of this had gone away. At that moment I broke into tears. I wanted to ask so many questions but I couldn't talk. My mouth felt as if it was glued shut from my tears running onto my overly dried lips. I could tell she was scared and I was sure she didn't know what was going on either. When we got it together we went and sat down at the fountain. " Are you okay?" She asked, "I'm not sure." I responded bluntly.  "Where have you been? And where are mom and dad?" I asked. "I don't know? Last thing I remember is going to pick you up in the morning and then, Boom! I was here. I do remember some parts vividly but they felt like a dream. I wasn't me that's all I can say." She said mysteriously. Things were not making since. I needed to tell her about the figure that I've been seeing maybe she knows who he is.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2018 ⏰

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