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"Syd! It's time for school!" I called out. "Okay, I'll be right out", Clem responded wearily.
My name is Regi, short for Reginald. It was my late uncles name who sadly passed at only five years old. Him and my mother were best friends always by each others side. So of course she was heart broken when he passed, but I don't understand why I got Reginald and Sydney, the first born, didn't.
Sydney, my older sister by two years was asked by my mother to take me to school but most days are nice cause we get along for the most part.
Today is my last day of summer school, it has gone by so slow but I am also kinda sad it's over. Summer school was only two weeks long this year but lemme tell you, it was a very agonizing two weeks.
"Syd!" I yell even louder, which sent my words echoing through the house, "I'm gonna be late!"
It's silent for a couple minutes then I hear the creaking of the stairs, and her shuffling down them. "Ughh, it's too early for this.", she whined.
The drive to school was only five minutes but with the silence between us, it felt like longer. When we arrived I said my goodbyes and hopped out. She drove away, looking a little tired, and last I saw was her jeep slowly fading away into the distance.

Since I only failed one class last year, English, I only have three hours a school then, go out front for pick up.
The classes felt as if the clock was being measured by a small snail. After zoning in an out all morning, I got struck but the sound of the school bells which lead me to jolt up and get out of there.
The summer breeze swept against me, tickling my ears as I waited for Syd who was beginning to be unusually late. Eight minutes later, I texted her in single letters so she would hear each notification. It read:




Still no answer. As I knew it a few seconds later a call came through. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Regi, I'm so sorry! I fell asleep and lost track of time but I will be there as soon as I can so stay put." Syd hurriedly said. As I was responding with a quick, "okay." She hung up. I noticed that her voice sounded odd and not like her, she spoke very quickly without taking one single breath...

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