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I looked around her room and nothing was out of place. Lighting strikes and lights up the room even more. I looked a little closer around the room and there wasn't even a speck of dust around. It was peculiar for Lillian's room to be so clean, it creeped me out too much and I decided to go back to my parents room to explore more. When I looked in again I saw the night light had stopped blinking and was completely dead. What I just realized was we had just bought the night light yesterday, so how would it already be dead? Shhhhhh! The wind came pushing through as someone was opening the door. The sound of a door shutting pierced my ears. My first thought was my parents are back and they just were out for a little. But that thought soon went away. I remembered that my cat was downstairs but as soon as I started heading down the stairs to get her, I herd a very deep voice, not my dad's, murmuring under his breath.

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