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I screamed and started to run but my feet wouldn't move. I felt like I was in quicksand, slowly sinking. The concrete was swallowing me alive. My whole body except my face was in the concrete. I couldn't move my arms or legs at all, I felt paralyzed. The figure and the girl walked over to me and the girl said. "Hi Fern, will you join us?" I looked at them before I sunk down all of the way. I then opened my sticky eyes and I was back under the umbrella cart with a tattersall blanket on top me. Smudge was quietly purring under my coat. "Well at least not all that has happened is true." Fern said to herself and fell back asleep.
  Grrrr! Bark! Bark! I pulled open my eyes that had been crusted over from my frightened tears. I looked around to see it was now morning. I then tugged smudge closer to me, away from the annoying dog in front of the cart. She hissed at the dog then sat back next to me. I got up and calmed my wild hair that had poofed up from all of the humidity. At that instant I gathered my stuff and headed out again hoping that the figure and the girl don't catch up with me. (If they even are real)

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