Chapter 1 - "She's a baby."

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24th March 2008

Jenna's POV

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JENNA!" - Ava. She gives me a tight hug.

It's not actually my birthday today. Tomorrow, I will finally be 16! I haven't celebrated my birthday since I was 6 years old, so my sister, Sienna, decided to bring me to the pool halls. My family used to throw me a birthday party every year until they became too "busy" with their lives.

Anyway, it's our last day of school today. We're finally graduates in high school!

"Thanks, Ava. You coming with me tonight?" I ask her.

"Of course, I am! We're finally living life!" She raises her hands in victory.

"Good. Now, let's go to assembly." 

*bell rings*


"Good morning, Alvarez High School. We know you're all excited but...blah. blah. blah. " 

Tick. tock. tick. tock. 

"Hey, Jenna. Happy birthday for tomorrow." Jake whispered.

Now, guys. He's just a friend, nothing more.

"Thanks Jake."

"So, what're you doing for your birthday and for the break?" 

"Something and I don't know." 

He gives me a sarcastic look. 

"Okay, fine. I'm going to Amor '69 today with my sister and Ara." I admit. 

Jake did the puppy-dog eyes and I immediately knew he wanted to come.

"You can come."

"Great, Jenna. Thanks" He sends me a flying kiss and I dodge it.

"Enjoy your day, students." Our head teacher concludes.


After assembly, I made my way to Maths.

"Happy birthday, Jenna!" Someone tugged on my arm.

"What the f-- Hey, Jason. It's tomorrow" Jason is Ara's brother.

"Heard you're going to Amor '69 tonight. Want me to come?" He offers. No, he doesn't ask. He offers. Jason doesn't even go to this school anymore. He probably came to visit KC.

"Suuuuure. I'd love to have you there. Bring KC aswell , yeah?" He nods and walks away. KC's his girlfriend for about 2 years now, by the way.

I've had 1..2..3 people ask me if they can come now. So, there will be Ara, Jake, Jason, KC, Sienna and I for tonight. 


Kyle's P.O.V

"Why do you look nice tonight?" Wade questions me.

I hit him on his arm. "I always look nice."

"Yeah?" he says with a high-pitched voice and I reply with a shrug.

We're going to the pool halls later like we do every week. I'm wearing a V-neck shirt, jeans, sneakers, plus a beanie and Ray bans. 

"Who's coming tonight?" I ask Wade while I tie my laces.

"Me, you, Vash obviously since he owns the place, Lance, Xavier, Blake, JT and Heidi." 

"Great. Finally, everyone's coming." 

We walk out and enter his Audi.

I don't know why but I have  this strange feeling about tonight. Hmm, guess I'll wait and see.


Jenna's P.O.V

It's really loud in here! I thought it would be calm with people playing pool everywhere but it turns out there's a bar connected to it. 

"Why did you bring me me here?!" I shout into Sienna's ear.

"'Cause I knew you would react like that! Don't be such a killjoy! She shouts back. 

I just ignored her and continued to watch Jake vs Jason on pool. Jason's winning by 7.

"Jake, you suck! You're all talk." I tease him.

"It's cause you're next to me." He teases back.

I look around for a bit and see this guy walk up to me. 

"Hey, can I have your number?" He looks about my age and he's pretty cute.


"Huh?" He raises his eyebrows, confused.

"It's my house number." I smirk at him. 

I knew he was talking about my phone number but I felt like teasing him. I don't usually get this attention from guys so I don't know how to react. 

"Uhh..." he scratches his head.

"I'm Ava and I don't wan--"

"Here you go." Ara interrupts me and gives him a piece of paper.

The cute guy reads the paper given to him. "Thanks. I'm JT, by the way." He winks at us and walks away.

Ara turns around and walks away too but I grab her shirt from the back. "What was on that paper?" 

"Your number...Ava." She winks and walks away again.

What's with people's eyes today? Can't they blink with both eyes?!

"I got nervous, okay!" I shout at her.


Kyle's POV

We're making fun of Lance's younger brother right now while we wait for everyone to arrive. 

"JT, I dare you to get a girl's number." Heidi challenges him.

"Easy. I can do that with my eyes closed." He tells us, pretending to wipe something of his shoudler.

"Idiot. You need your mouth to ask her not your eyes." Wade wacks him and we all laugh.

"Whatever. So who's the lucky girl?" He ask cockily.

"I know someone." I stare at her as I say this. Not to sound creepy but I've been eyeing her since she came here. She looks a bit too young though. 

"There." I point at her.

"That's Sienna's sister." Wade adds.

JT smiles and starts making his way up to her.

Vash suddenly puts me on headlock. "My man's gowing up." He says as he rubs my hair with his knuckles.

"Shut up, Vash. she's a baby." I deny. 

He frees me. "Oh, come on man!" He grabs my arm and whispers, "if you want I can get everyone out of here and leave you it" he moves his eyebrows up and down.

I push him away and steal a glance at JT talking to her. He's scratching his head and seems confused. Maybe he can't get her number after all.

After a few more seconds he walks back to us with a scrunched up paper in his hand.

"Easy as pie! She was all over me." Pfft. Yeah, right. We all laugh at him. "Go away, guys. I need to piss." He throws the paper on our table and walks away again.

I look around to see if anyone is looking and I grab the paper he threw. This can come in handy.

"I saw that!" Vash jumps out from behind me and points at me as he laughs hysterically. "Vash, she's a baby" he mocks me. "Didn't know you were into babies now, Kyle. I'll make sure to keep my baby sister away from you, you might take her number too." He clutches his stomach and laugh more. I roll my eyes at him.

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