Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen
-Sebastian's POV-
I was relieved to get Eve as for away as possible from Emilio and the slaughtering I was about to unleash unto him. "I really wish you had heeded my first warnings. If you had, I wouldn't have to hurt my dear old friend by killing his son."
I watched his mouth go agape as he processed the words that had just left my lips. "There's no way. My father wouldn't keep such scum around."he argued.
I smiled tightly, enjoying his helplessness. "Why do you think he couldn't wait to get rid of you?" His face paled.
"It can't be true. You're here...meaning he threw you out too, scum."
"No. I came here of my own accord. First for my contract, then for my beloved. Really, there's no need to get so worked up on the truth of the matter."
His face turned into a mask of hatred, then he ran at me. "You're lying!"
I easily dodged his meager attempts. "You should probably just give up before your father disowns you forever for not even being able to take me down. Save yourself the humiliation."
He growled and his tendrils wormed their way over to me. They shrunk back before they could even wrap themselves around my ankles. Of course they would be able to sense who was more powerful. "You're rather lively. I think I shall allow myself to really enjoy this. I'm glad I sent Eve away so she wouldn't have to witness this nightmare."
What would Eve say if she ever saw me in such a state?
No. She would never see me like this.
I felt my eyes grow brighter and it felt like my skin was peeling off. I relished in the pain of it and my ghastly true form emerged from the human skin. The twerp's face turned a sickly shade of green and he gagged into his raised hands. "What the hell are you?"he gasped.
"I am the nightmare of nightmares. I am the monster of monsters. Now, I am your end."I cooed to him as if he were a child.
I could see his chest rise and fall rapidly as he hyperventilated. In my true form, I was even taller than the other demon. I could tell that he was terrified, and in spite of my self, I felt bad. If I scare him this much, how would Eve react?
Surely, if she saw me like this, she'd never let me caress her let alone want to be in the same room with me ever again.
Yes, I'd rather die than lose her to my true form.
-Eve's POV-
I couldn't do it. The mansion was scary and the halls seemed to intertwine. I stumbled over debris and things I certainly hoped weren't bones. It felt as if I were going in a never ending circle. Paranoia crept into my bones and shook me to my core. Here I was, lost in the Spawn of Satan's castle. The shadows moved and the floors creaked. I knew it was childish for me to be so afraid of trivial things when I had fallen in love with a demon, but I couldn't help it.
That very same demon was fighting for my freedom from my past. I honestly felt guilty for it. I had burdened him with my problems and past and he offered nothing but love and support. I was my own problem and he took it upon himself to become my resolve.
My thoughts made heat flood to my face and my heart pound. My chest seemed so tight that it was nearly impossible to breathe. I gave up on being lost and sank down against the wall. I could only imagine the love sick expression on my face as I sat there. Thoughts of our life after this was over assaulted my mind and weakened my will to find my way out of the haunting place.
Instead, I tried finding that feeling that always brought him and I together. I just got him back, I'm not leaving his side for a long ass time whether he likes it or not. He's stuck with me.
With my new objective in mind, I stood and began following that sensation back to Sebastian. It was easier going back than what it was leaving. In what seemed like no time at all, I was standing in front of the room I had just left. From within I could hear Sebastian verbally attacking Emilio and Emilio scuttling to land a hit. The fight sounded so one sided and I haven't even seen the damage.
I smiled despite the situation and opened the door. The sight I was greeted with was chilling. A beast. An ugly being. Something unsightly. What was it? It turned it's head and looked at me with what seemed like shock and, in a pained voice that belonged to Sebastian, called out my name.
This was Sebastian?
I'm sorry, this chapter was really short. I've been busy with tests and turning in all of my assignments so I haven't been able to write much. ONE MORE DAY UNTIL SUMMER! Woohoo! Then I can write to my heart's content. Look forward to it, my friends. Until next time...

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