Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen
-Sebastian's POV-
My Eve. I wanted my Eve back. I wanted her back in my arms, safe and sound. Without her I felt so empty and cold, as if I were back within the pits of hell. I wanted to hold her, squeeze her, kiss her, love her, and protect her...forever. I would give anything for it.
The great news Undertaker had for me was the location of Emilio's palace...which I was on my way take back the love of my existence. Then I would prove to her just how much I loved her and needed her for all eternity.
As I drew closer to my destination, I could faintly feel the familiar tugging sensation in my chest that I always got whenever I was near her. My demonic soul howled and raved in joy and relief at the hint of my Love still being alive. I could make out the shape of a palace in the near distance and I started using the pull to lead me towards her.
-Eve's POV-
Ever since I mentioned his father, Emilio had been pissy and dramatic. His demonic prowess misted around my feet and legs like tendrils searching out their prey. I swallowed my fear and stared down the angrily pacing demon, deliberating my escape. His lips moved quickly, as if he were having a silent heated argument with someone.
While he was distracted, I took the initiative to wriggle slightly from the chains. They rattled but, luckily for me, Emilio was too busy arguing with himself to notice. I continued to twist my wrists every which way as he paced and finally one hand was free. It was at that moment that he turned to glare at me.
I froze and gulped audibly. What devious plans were dancing behind those exotic eyes of his? The fear I had been burying deep within myself leaked through and my lower lip quivered slightly. He analyzed each aspect of my face and grinned widely at the unwelcome emotion he found there. He lifted his hand and I flinched. He began to laugh darkly and my palms became very slick.
It was in the middle of his laughing fit that I felt it. That sensation that always told me whenever Sebastian was near. My soul wept and leapt with joy as I willed it to call out to him, knowing he would feel it too. Just the knowledge that he was near settled my nerves and I couldn't help but smirk.
The demon in front of me stopped laughing and looked down at me seriously. "Where is he?"he commanded.
"What are you talking about?"
"I know he's near. You have that damn love sick look on your face."
"Just a second ago, you were laughing because I was afraid. Is it paranoia that has you convinced he's here?"I countered.
"Stop pissing around and tell me where he is!" He raised his hand as if he were going to hit me but I held my ground.
"Hitting me will get you nowhere."
"No. But I'll get the satisfaction of you begging for your life."he said evilly. His hand crashed down on my face rather hard. It felt as though I would never be able to breathe again due to the sheer force of his hatred filled fist.
I looked him square in the face as I spat a mouthful of blood onto his shoe. "Who's begging?" I ripped my still imprisoned hand from the chains, not feeling the pain of my tearing flesh, and punched him as hard as I could. I watched as he stumbled backwards, an angry glint in his eye.
"You bitch! My father will burn your soul in hell for eternity for this!"
In the midst of my angst, I didn't realize just how strong the sense of pulling became.
"Strange, my fellow demon. Do you usually run to daddy for help?" The sound of his silken voice made my heart swell with joy. I peeked over Emilio's shoulder and was rewarded with the sight of Sebastian's beautiful face.
"S-Sebastian!"I stuttered. He glanced at me, seeing the blood that still oozed from my lip. It was like a flame ignited in his eyes and they glowed a striking fuchsia.
"From the way you talked all big, I would've assumed you had at least an ounce of power to call your own. Tell me, does it sting to know you have to rely on your daddy's power for your entire life?" I could tell that Sebastian was enticing Emilio in order to get him away from me and my general area.
Emilio made the mistake of taking a hesitant step away from me and Sebastian was suddenly right next to him with his hands around the other demon's throat. He spoke slowly to Emilio. "You are gravely mistaken if you think I'm going to allow you to live after stealing my precious belongings."
"You bastard! She is not yours!"
"I don't think you have a say in the matter, you petulant fool!"Sebastian growled.
Sebastian's words still rang around my head. He said I was precious. He said I belonged to him. My chest suddenly felt very constricted, for my heart was dying to leap right from it. Sebastian's voice pulled me out of my daze. "Eve, do yourself a favor and get as far away from here as possible before things get nasty. I will come find you as soon as this arrogant asshole is dead and can no longer haunt you."
No matter how much I wanted to stay with him and never let him out of my sight, I knew he was silently begging me to leave so he could fight without distractions. I blew him a kiss and disappeared through the only door in the room. I found myself in a dark corridor that seemed to last even longer than the ones at the manor. At least Ciel's mansion had the idiotic servants to add chaos and cheer. Emilio's palace was just absolutely horrid and quiet.
It was as if the palace came straight from a horror story. I cringed at the squeaks of mice and the insects making their nests along the walls. There were lanterns every few feet that did nothing for the lighting situations but throw dancing shadows. The quietness seemed as if it were seeping into my very bones. In my mind, I begged Sebastian to hurry.
I've heard about some plagiarism that's been occurring lately. Because of this, I would like to ask all of my readers to keep an eye out. Not just for my work, but for any other authors' as well. Authors work hard on their stories and for somebody to go as far as to completely copy and steal them, it is not only illegal, it is completely disrespectful. If you see any of this while you're online, please inform the original and respective author(s) and tell them which website it is on.
On the other hand, forgive me if this chapter seems short. I tried to make it longer, but I got really bad writers' block because of it. I plan on ending my story soon since I've already decided how it's going to end, but I still plan at least 2 or 3 more and then a really big surprise at the end.
I also wanted to ask what kind of fan-fic you all would like me to write next. I'm leaving it in your hands. Until next time dearies.

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